axolotl spawning


Fish Gatherer
Dec 1, 2006
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The Goodeid Room
some babies 4 weeks old doing well on Catfish pellets and live foods they have spawned again loads of eggs all developing well


Wow I love reading about these little guys, we used to have one when I was at school about 30 years ago before we had widespread Internet and i found the little guy fascinating. Only found out recently how endangered they are so it's lovely to see you having success with breeding!
I will be most definitely be busy not all of them will hatch and Survive however I'm hoping to keep as many as possible, although they may be endangered in the wild they seem to be well established throughout the fish hobby, I also kept axolotls many years ago there easy to keep and spawn rearing the babies maybe a problem if not being fed correctly in my own opinion baby axolotls should get off to a good start in life. so live foods are a must. the very first food will be live daphnia
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Only found out recently how endangered they are so it's lovely to see you having success with breeding!
They are more endangered than most people realize. Their habitat in the wild has been mostly drained and polluted. There is probably only a handful of them left.
Additionally, the majority of axolotls in captivity aren’t even axolotls; they are hybrids between axolotls and tiger salamanders. My understanding is that there are a few pure axolotls in Europe, but probably none in the U.S.

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