So I had 6 fish and 3 have died. Before i added fish i added 20 mL of quick start 6 days before adding any fish. The tank was fully cycled about 30 hours before adding any fish. I added 2 fish a week ago on friday then 24 hours after i added 4 more. I am now left with 2 mollys and 1 platy. one of my mollys happen to give birth 2 days ago and now shes been wobbly and not moving a lot. Along with that when my first fish died it spiked the nitrites in the tank. before he died the PH was 7.4, ammonia about 0.2 nitrites 0.2 and nitrates 5.0. After he died everything stayed the same but the nitrites which spiked above 2! I was adding quick start almost daily to try and lower the ammonia and nitrites but it wasnt working. I also added 2 plants a java fern and an amazon sword but neither has helped. I am left with 3 fish and nitrites still rise above 2 ppm. I did a water change on monday about 25-30%. I did another water change on friday about 30-35%. and have done another water change today on monday about 50%. I dont know what else to do. I also added aqueon pure balls and also aquarium salt to help the molly during the birth in the rough water conditions and now i am unsure what to do. She also seems to be gasping for air even though im sure the tank is oxygenated. She ate a few of her kids along with the other molly and i think there might be one left. Any advice would be appreciated! Feel free to call me out on anything ive done wrong! I need to learn from this and hopefully save my fish!