Breeding tetras takes a lot more prep than many realize. The chances of them breeding without a thought out set up are super unlikely. Iguanadactes are not an easy tetra. I love them - I ordered some a couple of weeks ago but they were sold out.
A lot of my common tetras have fry that die if there is light in the tank, if the eggs even survive any light exposure. Before I came on here this afternoon, I was out in the fishroom painting a couple of tanks black on three sides so I could use them for tetra breeding.
I know from keeping geisleri in the past that they are obligate shoalers. Don't consider a mixed group of 2 species. You'd be looking at six or more of each species. Ten would be better. They were 6 for $55 CAD here, but you don't see them often. They're small mouthed, easily intimidated, delicate, graceful and beautiful fish. I found them kind of nervous, hence the need for a shoal.