Tanks... You're Welcome! (Jonelle's Journal)

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 20, 2023
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New England
I don't have a lot of space or money for fancy setups :( I've put off posting because of it (the saying "... Cadillac tastes, Yugo budget..." comes to mind). BUT I decided I can't learn if I don't at least TRY to share pics, etc. Below is a bare-bones explanation of my 4 tanks, and what they are used for. Please be understanding...

TANK #1:

My first fish, Pearl the betta, lived there. It is the tank by my computer so I can watch whoever will be living in it. Pearl died in April '24, so right now it is Betsy the betta, who I bought as a baby BOY, but ended up being a female. Also Speedy the Snail is in there.

Green Water Plant Pet supply Grass
  • Acrylic, approx 12x8x7”
  • Medium gravel substrate
  • Aquatop CAF-10 sponge filter/ Eheim 400 air pump
  • Live plants on rock and wood
  • Adjustable clip light (non-aquarium item)
  • Heat provided by seedling propagation mat

TANK #2:
This was Betsy’s little cube. She was a baby when I bought her, so it was large enough when she was small. Betsy is now in Tank #1.

Water Green Plant Organism Aquatic plant
  • Aqueon frameless 6x6x6”
  • Gravel substrate
  • Ziss air stone/ Eheim 400 air pump
  • Adjustable clip light (non-aquarium item)
  • Live plants on rock and wood
  • Heat provided by seedling propagation mat

This is where I am trying to learn plants that need substrate. It started off as just a holding tank, but now it has gravel and shrimp.

Water Green Pet supply Plant Organism
  • Aqueon 2.5 rimless (12.25x6.25x8.125")
  • Aquarium Solutions Bacto-Surge sponge filter (mini – slightly altered)
  • OLD but unused AQT-3001 air pump that came with Test Tank #2
  • Aqueon 10W heater
  • Finnex Stingray LED light
  • Live plants on rock and wood
  • Neocaridina shrimp

I bought this kit in the 1990s. I finally set it up in December 2023 to hold spare plants.

Water Liquid Fluid Yellow Aquatic plant
  • 1990s vintage Hawkeye 2 gallon acrylic kit
  • Aquarium Solutions Bacto-Surge sponge filter (mini – slightly altered)
  • OLD but unused AQT-3001 air pump that came with kit
  • 40w equivalent LED bulb (daylight)
  • Mixed gravel
  • Live plants on rock and wood
  • Neocaridina shrimp
Long story short, I found a new betta to go into Tank #2! He's a Galaxy Koi male, sorta small and super cute. AND he needs a name! ANY THOUGHTS???

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He's red and has white flares, like the sun...

I'd call him Apollo or Pollo for those closely acquainted :)
Hmmm... thing is, Apollo makes me think of "Live at the Apollo" and "Apollo Creed", neither of which are quite right for him. I was thinking of something patriotic, due to the Red/White/Blue (I named my surviving female Betsy after Betsy Ross because she was blue/red). Our presidents seem to always have boring names... hmmmmm
Pronounced as "sun"

A deep, rich red color that can have a slight purplish tinge. Often compared to blood.

Historically represents courage, sacrifice, and leadership... Since purple and indigo are the next "deeper" colors I would think that the crimson's made a lot more sacrifices.

Paired with white and blue...
Hmmm... thing is, Apollo makes me think of "Live at the Apollo" and "Apollo Creed", neither of which are quite right for him. I was thinking of something patriotic, due to the Red/White/Blue (I named my surviving female Betsy after Betsy Ross because she was blue/red). Our presidents seem to always have boring names... hmmmmm
How about Abe, as in Abraham Lincoln. Very patriotic. Cute too.
Hmmmmmmm... Abe........ hmmmm... I like it, but I think of Abe Vigoda... who was "FISH" on TV! Hmmmmm...

TANK #1 - Betsy is doing well, getting BIG! Tankmate Speedy the Snail almost here a whole year! I removed most of the anubias and put in bucephalandra I got on sale. Also my first crypt, Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis, in a pot to prevent disturbing the roots.

TANK #2 - ABE is now the male's name. He got himself stuck in cholla wood recently, almost died, but I got him loose again, and enough time has passed to see some new fin growth in his tail. Abe also has some new bucephalandra and fewer anubias. Tankmate Zip the Snail seems OK as well.

TANK #3 - Alternanthera Reineckii MINI is NOT mini anymore. In fact, one cup of tissue cultures has grown into a surplus of stems and cuttings! Added some buce, Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis in a pot, and a few other things to test out. Adult shrimp are now mostly blue or some type of blue. Babies show up now and then!

TANK #4 - Lowly #4 has most of the non-blue shrimps, with two going to have babies. Got rid of most anubias that were in there.
Not sure why, but for some reason or another two of my older bucephalandra are GROWING! I think one major reason is the presence of a snail to remove the algae that was trying to take over, robbing them of light. Below is the one that has perked up the most! Thing is, I don't remember which type this one is! (Tank #2)

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TANK #2: I don't see Speedy the Snail anywhere!! He/she's been in there almost a year and I sure hope it's still alive... Maybe just REALLY hidden? It isn't that big a tank!!
TANK #1 - Speedy the Snail IS INDEED still alive. It showed up a couple of days later. I read that nerites do sometimes bury themselves in substrate. Mine seems a bit large for a snail to burrow into!

Betsy the betta has finally discovered Bubble Surfing her filter. She also has a new plant that I think may eventually become too large, an Amazon Sword "compacta", which I now read can be very non-compact!


TANK #2 - Abe has become super picky about food. He gets all excited come feeding time then stares at the food, or chases it around, but if he eats any, spits it out. I am now trying Bug Bites flakes, which so far he SEEMS to like, at least a little. He also seems to be curious about Bubble Surfing, but hasn't gotten brave enough to really give it a go.


TANK #1 – Betsy is doing fine, I swear she's STILL growing! Replaced the Aqua Top foam filter with a small Top Fin I found. I hadn't seen one before, and liked that it has a weighted bottom. So far so good. No melt yet with her Amazon Sword. She really could use a new tank, since the acrylic isn't as clear as it used to be.

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TANK #2 - TRAGEDY! The other day, I couldn't find Abe anywhere. Long and sad story short, SOMEHOW he got past the glass lid on his cube, and I finally found him by my computer tower. All I can think of is Zip the Snail lifted the lid enough for Abe to jump out. What a shame, as he was looking really good with his almost-grown-back fins. Had a good cry, then hit 3 shops, settling on a new samurai male. He is settling in well so far. Betsy and he saw each other and flared, but they've been fine since. Mr. New Male doesn't have a name yet. Buce’s are doing great.


TEST TANK #1 - all the Alternanthera Reineckii grew way too much, so I've been trimming it down. It makes the tank look sorta crummy now. I may remove it all. Introduced some crypts in pots so I can move them around. LOTS of baby shrimp swimming around, too!!


TEST TANK #2 - still the lowest-budget tank... “The Dumping Ground”. I decided to try the original under-gravel filter the tank came with. I don't know if it is working or not! A couple of baby shrimp showed up recently. There's what's left of a Crypt Parva experiment in there. I picked up two dead-looking pots at Petco for $4+tax... no big deal if nothing grows back for that price!

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