Succermouth Catfish


New Member
Aug 26, 2024
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Hi, this may sound really strange but I found the succeemouth catfish in the stones of an empty aquarium that was in my back garden, it must have been without water for a good few hours (it wasn’t my tank, I didn’t put it in the garden, it goes with my job) so I found it alive and instantly put it into a small tank I had lying around, I kept the same gravel and added some water, but it is a tiny tank, max 15-20 litres, what do I do next ? Do I need a heater? If so waht temp ? Also what size tank can he go in ? And, can he go in a tank with my danios and tetras ?
Thank you
Some plecos and other suckermouth catfish such as otocinclus can breathe air, but not all.

Get a photo of your fish, then we can identify it and advise from there. *Most* plecos can go just fine with other fish, but it's a matter of knowing how big this one will get or if it's a group fish (otocinclus), or if it needs specific conditions (some plecos need hot water, some need cold water, etc).


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Some plecos and other suckermouth catfish such as otocinclus can breathe air, but not all.

Get a photo of your fish, then we can identify it and advise from there. *Most* plecos can go just fine with other fish, but it's a matter of knowing how big this one will get or if it's a group fish (otocinclus), or if it needs specific conditions (some plecos need hot water, some need cold water, etc).
I attached two photos, it is about 4 inches big at the moment, thank you for the help, it is all appreciated.


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Okay this is a female domestic bristlenose pleco. Scientifically known as ancistrus cf cirrhosis.

This fish will be happy in a 30 gallon (or larger) tank with zebra danios and other community fish just fine! She looks fully mature, and these guys top out at about 6 inches anyways. She looks in good shape despite the situation you found her in. She may have gone unnoticed when her previous owners drained the tank. These guys can hide very well and I've heard of this situation happening a few times with them.
Okay this is a female domestic bristlenose pleco. Scientifically known as ancistrus cf cirrhosis.

This fish will be happy in a 30 gallon (or larger) tank with zebra danios and other community fish just fine! She looks fully mature, and these guys top out at about 6 inches anyways. She looks in good shape despite the situation you found her in. She may have gone unnoticed when her previous owners drained the tank. These guys can hide very well and I've heard of this situation happening a few times with them.
Thank you so much, this is very helpful, my danios and tetras are in a tank about 50L would they still be safe together in there ? (It may be a stupid question) but I didn’t know if they may be too close, if you know what I mean, also do you know what temperature they require/like ? One again thank you so much
Ancistrus cf cirrhosis are really hardy and able to handle temperatures from 68-80F range as long as they have some aeration/surface agitation for good oxygen levels, especially towards the warmer end of the range.

50L is pushing your luck size wise because they poop a lot, honestly 100L+ is way better (30 gallon+). It'd be fine temporarily, but I highly recommend an upgrade in the future. Certainly better than the tiny thing it was left in 😬

But, personality wise she won't bother your tetras or danios, they're mostly non aggressive fish (I say mostly, I've had a moody male who liked to steamroll the corydoras in the tank).

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