a fish of Captain's nightmares... don't look girl...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN

looks innocent enough in the sellers picture...


yes, they are for sale... cool spotted pattern, when juvenal... but don't miss in the description they grow to over 1 meter long... why an aquarium fish dealer sells them should be questioned... & no, I didn't find them at Predatory Fins ( a known monster fish seller )... I found them for sale at a discus specialty dealer...

"The Adonis pleco is a beautiful addition to an aquarium. The Adonis pleco can reach sizes of up to 39.5 inches"

maybe more like your swimming pool, but probably not most aquariums

& saw a picture of a small one, in with cory catfish... when at full grown, a 100 cory's would fit in it's mouth...

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wonder if the fish ate off the glove fingers on his left hand???
That picture reminds of that cooking show, Iron Chef where the challengers pick a chef to compete against in "kitchen Stadium"

... & todays secret ingredient is "big ugly Plecostomus"

Sure I’ve seen a place selling Adonis plecs over here in the U.K. although they were one of the bigger species don’t remember them being advertised as growing up to a metre long though..

Think you’d need an aquarium the size of my house to home that beast 😂
Just. Wow. I thought the ones the length of my forearm were big!!

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