FOB ( fresh out of the bag ) Zebra Oto’s

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Last night I treated both of these tanks to Bacter A E so all the surfaces has a film… should give them a healthy start
All these fish are actively eating today… now it’ll just be, do they have the gut bacteria yet, to process what they are eating??? Time will tell… I see my 2 year old zebra out and about this morning, nearly twice as big, and still fat and happy… would be nice if I can keep a couple more buddies for him… 2 of the new ones went into that tank, and 3 others into a tank I still have to scrape the glass on regularly, so should be plenty of food for them…

Actively cleaning the java fern tangle
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And this is what I was hoping to see… working over the Anubias Congensis… the floating water hyacinths roots drop stuff on the leaves, of the Anubias below..
These are both new… 1st looks pretty skinny ( not confidence inspiring )

2nd one looks a little better…
This is an unexpected benefit, water Hyacinth ( like the water lettuce before it ) collect stuff on it’s roots… been dropping it on the plant below it, as pictured above… new Zebra is attacking the problem at the source.
Seeing some new fuller bellies… hoping they have the needed gut bacteria…
This picture really belongs in the “look ma, no hands” thread… but this one has pretty much been eating non stop… looks like it needed a nap…

And noticed the clean leaves of the Anubis, compared to the picture above… weather they eat that stuff or knock it off then polish the leaves… these look great today
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These guys are still looking good… I’m optimistic at least a few of them will make it….
Well, it’s been 2 weeks, and 4 out of the 5 received are fat and happy… it’s been a few days, since I’ve seen the one with that was really skinny… so I expect it wasted away… so with my 2 year old one, I currently have 5, that I have good expectations about… at that rate, I’ll try another small group next time they are available
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Can’t be sure if all 5 are still alive, but at least 4 are… these guys are looking good…. I really liked them before, when I was only able to keep one… but I like them even more in a group… I think I’d like to do s as large group of these in my 250 gallon, with the discus, when I finally get around to setting it up…
I may still have the 5 newest Oto’s I think this is the smaller skinny one, of the new group… it’s easy for them to hide in this tank… this tank also houses my 2 year old Zebra, which I usually only see every other day or so…
Moved from the front glass, to a large Indian Almond leaf, that was nearby

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