Oh how they’ve grown!


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
May 11, 2024
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Anybody else astounded when they look back at old pictures and realise just how much their little ones have grown??

I came across this the other day of my two Synodontis..


And now they fill the hole in that cave behind them!


The two of them wouldn’t even fit in that cave together now if we still had it in the tank 😅
I didn’t have to wait long, with my Panda Garra’s, we could literally watch them grow, in 2 months, they went from between 1/2 and 3/4 inch to 2 and a 1/2 inches… we have 5, and with they’re activity level, it was easy to notice how much, and how fast, they were growing
There are a number of fish that when you see them right after hatching, you wonder how you can even feed the fry. They can be really tiny. Then, in time, you have a large fish from that tiny speck. It's a fun process to watch.
I had some Molly fry which I have watched grow into adults, only a couple of them survived to adulthood but the male is now creating offspring of his own with the other ladies 😅

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