What’s new (fish related chat only)

I moved my Kuhli Loach from his temporary home in the 20 gallon guppy tank into this 55 gallon botanical method tank I've been working on setting up lately.

Came home from 10 days away to find my filter not running. Checked online and we'd had a power cut overnight, parameters were good when I tested them so got away with that one! Very little mulm/waste on the substrate, I'd portioned food out before I left and think I'll do that for myself moving forwards to stop myself thinking "a bit more won't hurt!". Did a big water change before the jetlag set in.
Does the tank have live plants? I once forgot to turn the filter back on after a water change and only realised a week later when I went to turn it off at the next water change. Even after a week there was no trace of ammonia or nitrite which I put down to the plants and bacteria on every surface in the tank.
Does the tank have live plants? I once forgot to turn the filter back on after a water change and only realised a week later when I went to turn it off at the next water change. Even after a week there was no trace of ammonia or nitrite which I put down to the plants and bacteria on every surface in the tank.
Yes lots of live plants so I think it potentially would've been OK for a while if we'd not come back when we did, think the worry was because I initially didn't know how long it had been off for and I knew a water change would be due. Some of the plants have grown quite well in my absence. Not sure why the filter didn't come back on properly, it's running fine now that I've done the water change and primed it.
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I once had a filter which would never turn on automatically after it was turned off, and that included every water change. I had to lift the pump off the filter and flick the impeller to start it. I lived in fear of a power cut when I wasn't there - no live plants back in those days. Luckily that never happened but I told our son (he was in his 20s we didn't leave a child alone ;) ) to ring me if the power went off and I'd talk him through how to start it again.
There's a house not far from here that I pass every day when I walk the dog, or basically, when I leave my house. They have a couple of new, quality aquariums on the front deck, filled to the top with rainwater. They've clearly lost interest, and the tanks fit into their general trash on the lawn approach to decorating.

They are people who fight with everyone, and if you speak to them, they get angry. They are not well, and not pleasant. I have thought about making them an offer for the tanks, but alas, I know how that would end. No price could be high enough. I would leave very glad we have gun control here. If we didn't, I'd leave dodging and weaving while running at high speed...

And so, every night, more and more of the water in those tanks freezes. Soon, the seams will split under the pressure of ice expansion. This, my aquarium keeping friends, is torture to watch...
I purchased two Neocaridina davidi var. Rili and two blue Neocaridina davidi which were added to my shrimp tank. The tank already had several Neocaridina davidi and a mystery snail. The shrimp are very active and fun to watch. My 10 gallon tank with 6 White Cloud Mountain minnows and 6 Celestial Pearl danios continues to thrive at eight months old. As I write this post I’m watching a 8 point white tail buck cross my property heading to the horse farm next door which now is inhabited by 22 does. The horses do not seem to care. Retirement is so peaceful until the grandkids come over. 🤗
I purchased two Neocaridina davidi var. Rili and two blue Neocaridina davidi which were added to my shrimp tank. The tank already had several Neocaridina davidi and a mystery snail. The shrimp are very active and fun to watch. My 10 gallon tank with 6 White Cloud Mountain minnows and 6 Celestial Pearl danios continues to thrive at eight months old. As I write this post I’m watching a 8 point white tail buck cross my property heading to the horse farm next door which now is inhabited by 22 does. The horses do not seem to care. Retirement is so peaceful until the grandkids come over. 🤗
Sounds like a satisfying day!
Here’s something I didn’t think could happen . This is my Amazon Sword Plant growing in a north facing window with no supplemental artificial light . It’s been in there since mid August and seems to be doing fine . A small clump of Vesicularia dubyana Java Moss is slowly getting bigger too . Duckweed covers the surface and there are no fish in here . This is my house plant .
I've just finished a water change and was checking everything was OK, no decor knocked over etc, when I spotted a small fish. It was orangey with a black stripe down the side. Strange, I thought, didn't the last Boraras urophthalmoides die of old age a few weeks ago? I looked closer and realised no it wasn't a Boraras, it was a cherry barb about 1 cm/half an inch long. In a tank with cherry barbs and harlequin rasboras I'm amazed any fry could survive o_O
I've just finished a water change and was checking everything was OK, no decor knocked over etc, when I spotted a small fish. It was orangey with a black stripe down the side. Strange, I thought, didn't the last Boraras urophthalmoides die of old age a few weeks ago? I looked closer and realised no it wasn't a Boraras, it was a cherry barb about 1 cm/half an inch long. In a tank with cherry barbs and harlequin rasboras I'm amazed any fry could survive o_O
Life finds a way . That’s pretty cool . A volunteer Cherry Barb !

What’s new (fish related chat only)​

I've picked up a school of 70+ Ginga rubra guppies ( grey and blond based) for free from a friend of mine this afternoon. I already had these. But the new ones will go into another tank.
Where do you keep all these fish ! ? ! ? You actually have the space to take on 70 newcomers ?

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