Disappearing Cherry Shrimp


May 15, 2023
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I have a 10g planted tank with neon and ember tetras, 2 mystery snails and 6 or 7 cherry shrimp. That was about one month ago. Fast forward to today, there is only 1 cherry shrimp left. I've noticed I haven't seen as many cherry shrimp as before and found a couple dead over the weeks but for a few days I've only seen one.

It's either water quality or a disease killing them.

Can you post a picture of the remaining one?

Do any of them have a creamy white area in the body?
If yes, this is a microsporidian infection and needs treating with salt.
since you mentioned a month, perhaps there isnt enough minerals in the water for them to molt and then they failed molting, because they molt every few weeks
but photos will definitely help
Of course when I try to get a photo he swims into the plants where I can't get him out, when he's been in the front all morning...but here is the photo of the tank.

I've been doing 50% water changes every week and the cherries in the other tank are all doing well and I haven't lost a single one.

The shrimp when I saw him didn't have a creamy white spot, but he had on its underbelly a clear white skin, I don't know if that what you where describing or maybe it's just his skin.

I'll post a pic of him as soon and he stops pouting in his plants comes out so I can see him.


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Finally got a few pics of him or her...


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Can't tell if it's got a microsporidian infection but it looks to be in good condition. You might have got a bad batch so monitor and see how this one goes.
I got almost all of them on eBay, they didn't come in the greatest conditions...maybe that was it. When do you think I can/should get more?
Wait at least a month and if this one is fine for that time, then get some more. But quarantine new shrimp for 4 weeks before adding them to this tank.

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