After 4 months - BABY GHOST SHRIMP!!


May 15, 2023
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About 4 months ago, when I didn't know much about fishkeeping, I got 3 ghost shrimp, since they were 50 cents at the pet store and wanted some shrimp. 2 died within a day. A couple days later I got 3 more. 2 died AGAIN. At this points I only had two, so I just left them for about 2 months and they were good. At this point I had done a lot more research about keeping fish and had gotten more tanks since. And I found out that your supposed the GRADUALLY acclimate them, not take out a cup of water and put a cup of tank water in the bag every 30 seconds, like I was doing. Soooo guess what? I went to the pet store and got 10 more. I put some others in my other tanks but put about 4 in the main tank with the other ghost shrimp, gradually acclimating them. And none of them died! So fast forward again about a month ago I had 4 (two randomly died about a week after I put them in) and I really wanted to breed them. Unfortunately I don't think they were that happy to breed, because one was carrying eggs but they weren't fertilized. So I added more live plants, and moss, and another one became pregnant/gravid. Yay!

One morning I came out and one of the 2 females didn't have eggs anymore. So I SCOURED the tank looking for babies and I found ONE. One single baby which darted into the plants. The next day I looked EVERYWHERE and I couldn't find him. I had a Betta in this tank at the time, so I figured that little shrimp must have became a tasty shrimp-snack. And so I added a ton more plants and moss. Sadly my Betta passed away (R.I.P Muffin), but so then I hoped there would be more babies, and 2 weeks ago, in one of the females, I saw 3 dots in each of the eggs....eyes and stomach!! So I knew one of the females eggs were fertilized. So I moved her into a little isolation tank so there wouldn't be any more shrimp-snacks (I have 6 neon tetras I have temporarily in the 5 gallon, moving to a bigger tank soon). There were 2 other females that were pregnant but she is not about to give birth so I didn't feel the need to move her.

Yesterday I wake up to find 3 BABY GHOST SHRIMP crawling around in the tank!! I find only 2 pregnant female, the one in the isolation container still pregnant and the other one, but the other female was empty!! I have only found three so far, but the tank has lots of plants and moss so there might be more. I put them in a small plants mason jar and they are SO CUTE. I'm hatching brine shrimp right now for them but in the meantime I fed them powdered high-protein flakes and they are eating them! Who knew one-inch clear shrimp who are 50 cents and used for feeder shrimp could be SO cool! Pics attached. One picture has my pinkie finger compared to them!


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