Planted 40g Aquarium Journal


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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This will be a Journal/update page ALL on my new 40g aquarium!

So I JUST got my aquarium and I'm starting to leak test it now! More updates will soon follow as this progresses!

I also got the Seachem Flourish liquid fertilizer as well as flat black spray paint to use on the back of the tank!
Hello. Unless you're planning to keep demanding plants, you don't need more fertilizers. Adding more than what the fish produce naturally, can cause water problems. Keep things simple and you'll be successful.

10 Tanks (now 11)
Hello. Unless you're planning to keep demanding plants, you don't need more fertilizers. Adding more than what the fish produce naturally, can cause water problems. Keep things simple and you'll be successful.

10 Tanks (now 11)
Sense I'll only have a few fish at first and lots of floaters, as well as pothos, I will need the liquid supplements.
I was recommended to get the liquid supplement on here and it makes perfect sense
Here's a small recap and update on my Pothos cuttings for this tank.

On all pictures from left to right is: All Tank Water, Tank/Tap Water, All Tap Water

April 30th (just set up cuttings):

May 1st (second day and the plants already seem to be doing better)

May 7th (leaves doing really well and the new ones are starting to unfurl, although sadly no roots growing):
Sense I'll only have a few fish at first and lots of floaters, as well as pothos, I will need the liquid supplements.
I was recommended to get the liquid supplement on here and it makes perfect sense
Hello. If you feed your fish foods that contain Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous, these are all the plants need for good health. Supplements simply add to the toxins that can foul the tank water. These can build up and make the fish sick in a very short time in a smaller tank.

Pothos is a land plant and isn't made to live long term in a water environment. Because of it's very small root system, it can't take in enough nutrients to grow as well as it does in soil.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. If you feed your fish foods that contain Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous, these are all the plants need for good health. Supplements simply add to the toxins that can foul the tank water. These can build up and make the fish sick in a very short time in a smaller tank.

Pothos is a land plant and isn't made to live long term in a water environment. Because of it's very small root system, it can't take in enough nutrients to grow as well as it does in soil.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Sometimes plants need further help and fertilization and I'm providing them with one of the best recommended supplements on the market... I'm using things that work and have been proven to work by many who use these fertilizers and Pothos plants.

People plant pothos plants in their aquariums all the time and they grow very well!
Here is the full plant list I've decided on starting my tank off with! I think its a nice selection!

Wendtii Green - x6
Wendtii Red - x3

Water Sprite
Red Root Floater

Italian Vallisneria - x3
Amazon Sword - x9
Ludwiga, Repens - x2
Ludwiga, Ovalis- x2

Tiger Lotus - x3
Here is the full plant list I've decided on starting my tank off with! I think its a nice selection!

Wendtii Green - x6
Wendtii Red - x3

Water Sprite
Red Root Floater

Italian Vallisneria - x3
Amazon Sword - x9
Ludwiga, Repens - x2
Ludwiga, Ovalis- x2

Tiger Lotus - x3
Looks like a good list. With all the fast growing floating plants, one or two might outcompete the others for nutrients. That was my experience. I had water wisteria that was growing super fast. I added salvinia minima and the wisteria started to die out.
Looks like a good list. With all the fast growing floating plants, one or two might outcompete the others for nutrients. That was my experience. I had water wisteria that was growing super fast. I added salvinia minima and the wisteria started to die out.
Yah, I'm trying to add a lot and seeing what does well 😅
I'm hoping all survive but if not I just want some really good growth from MOST of them.
Especially the swords, wendtii, floaters, and lotus plants... Those are the ones I really want
Today was prep day for getting the tank painted!
Tomorrow I will start spray painting it...
Yah, I'm trying to add a lot and seeing what does well 😅
I'm hoping all survive but if not I just want some really good growth from MOST of them.
Especially the swords, wendtii, floaters, and lotus plants... Those are the ones I really want
Von Clauswitz said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. And he never aquascaped an aquarium.
You can have an idea going in. But it's always going to need some kind of adaptation.
Von Clauswitz said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. And he never aquascaped an aquarium.
You can have an idea going in. But it's always going to need some kind of adaptation.
Yah, probably lol... But I'd like to hope that with all the care I'm taking in setting it up that the plants will do well... I don't expect ALL the floaters to survive, and I'm unsure if the vals or ludwiga will but I'm crossing my fingers!
I have high faith in the lotus, swords, and wendtii though
The first coat of paint is now on the tank drying! In a few minutes I'll go out and apply another. I'll make sure to show pics when finished!

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