Giant Damio bent back and missing eye


New Member
Mar 3, 2023
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Hello, I've had my giant Damios x8 for the last 9 months and I've got one Damio which has a bent back and also a missing eye.
It's had a bent back for a good while but it is slowly getting worse.
Any idea what it could be? No issues at all in the other fish and I haven't witnessed any bullying.

Please see attached photo
Either a genetic deformity it was born with and is being accentuated with the age of the fish. Or a tumour or growth inside the fish that is pushing on the spine and causing it to bend. There's no cure for either issue so euthanise the fish when it has trouble swimming or stops eating.

The eye was probably taken by another fish. They can usually live with one eye but if it loses the other one, something in the tank is predating on them.
When I see a spine like that, I euthanize immediately as along with what Colin suggested,it can be a fish tb, Mycobacter lesion doing that. It's probably genetic, but since it looks the same as a communicable disease, I get a little hard-hearted when I see it. I've had bad experiences with fish tb.

The eye is what happens when you are a vulnerable fish.

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