4ft, 300 Gallons.
and I got 4, the tropco website said 3 or more, but tbh 6 would be too many considering my tanks not huge. I have family that keeps bostorious community so I'll have to monitor
There is a misunderstanding here, I'll try to explain. You need five or six minimum of any of the botine loaches (the species in the genus Botia and similar species). Four may or may not work, but I strongly suggest another one or two--but make sure all five or six are added to the tank at the same time. These fish are very highly social, and an hierarchy will be established within days. Once they do, "intruders" like another loach or two are usually not tolerated.
Within the group hierarchy one fish will be the alpha, usually a female. The alpha loach will run the group and indeed the tank. This is fascinating behaviour, a delight to any aquarist. Provided it works of course.
Never but never rely on sites that sell fish for information. Ask here on TFF, or use reliable sites like Seriously Fish.
You need chunks of wood so each loach can choose one and make that its home. This too is crucial to their hierarchy. You have a good start on this from the photos, but two or three more chunks lying on the substrate would be advisable.