Hi please help


New Member
Sep 9, 2022
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I just got a fish it's a long story what happened we went to an indoor zoo when we went out you get free fish so I got 2 fish I don't know anything about fish so please help and can you identify the species of the fish
Is a filter mandatory? and how much can they stay without a filter? (I'm gonna order one)
they're not eating their food should I take out the food so I can prevent ammonia cause I don't have a filter now? and I heard that uneaten can turn into ammonia how long does it take to turn into ammonia?
hi um it would be more helpful if we had pictures of the fish but yes the uneaten food can turn into an ammonia spike in you aquarium i don't exactly remember how long it take to turn the ammonia up
First we need pictures of the fish. How big is it? If its an inch just get a 10g tank for now. If its two inches 20 and so on. This is to be sure we have a nice size tank set up just in case.
Don't get a filter that needs cartridges. Use something like an aquaclear. But as a temporary and cheap solution, use a sponge filter that is rated for the tank size you choose. Get a lot of fast growing plants. Make sure you have sand to plant them in.
Dechlorinator is also usually required for tap water. And depending on the species you will also need a heater.
This was just a quick run down. Other members with more experience will definitely be more help and can get into even more detail
Hello thanks for the reply, um do there have to be plants?
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So they look to be either mollies or platies. I'm not to knowledgeable on them but @emeraldking is the best here when it comes to live bearers.
Yes I think plants are a need here because you usually cycle an aquarium with no fish to build up good bacteria to take out the bad stuff. Sense you can't do that you will be forced into a fish-in cycle where the best thing to do is get a 10-20 gallon aquarium, thermometer meant for aquariums, a filter such as a sponge filter, and a lot of fast growing plants to help take out bad stuff in the water.
I recommend you read up on the nitrogen cycle and also buy an API liquid test kit. (The liquid test kits are more accurate than strip tests).
Thank you for the answer
what does a fish in cycle mean?
ok so can i grow plants of my own and what type of plants?
In the meantime before you get your tank set up you should keep them in as much water as possible to dilute ammonia, a 5g bucket if nothing else. And change a gallon a day using dechlorinator (Prime if you can get it since it detoxes ammonia too). And feed sparingly, once a day.
I wanted to link that but didn't have time at the moment sorry.
Thank you for the answer
what does a fish in cycle mean?
ok so can i grow plants of my own and what type of plants?
I would do plants such as frogbit, water sprite, amazon swords (only if you decide to do a deep sand bed). But water sprite and frog bit are great for beginners.
Those are just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to plants but it's just what I thought of. I'm sure other members have way more plant ideas.
Iv had had fish in the past but it wasn't a very successful experience
I asked my mom to buy a bigger aquarium cause their aquarium is super small here is the size
- 1.3 liters : 18cmL x 11cmW x 9.5cmH
But she said no even though I had the money I was gonna pay, but I thought all night I hardly got any sleep and came up with an idea here it is:
I would go to my friend's house (ohhhhh I forget to tell you so we got 4 fish, in each aquarium there is two fish so 2 for us and 2 for them anyway back to the idea)
and I will show her the aquarium I want to order so she orders 2 of the exact same one I will give her the money to buy my aquarium and then when the aquarium arrives they will come to our house bringing the aquarium they will say to my mom that they Accidentally bought 2 aquariums and so they didn't want to put their fish alone and they decided to give it to us.

And the Accessories for the aquarium il make myself I remember when we went to the beach my mom collected a lot of rocks and seashells so il wash the rocks with their aquarium water and put them inside so iv got a lot of designs in my head but making sure there is no chemicals used in the process and iv got it!
Both are platies. The orange one is female and the other one is a male. The anal fin is already changing into a gonopodium.
There's a red string coming out of the the gold platy.
Sounds like poop. But could you post a photo, so we can give a better judgement?
Do you really want to get involved with the hobby?
The fish are lovely. A planted aquarium can be superb and the hours spent cleaning, feeding, changing water etc can be very rewarding but it's also a trap for casual uncommitted souls who think it's all easy going. It can have a huge impact on your lifestyle. It really does take you into territory you didn't ever think you'd be in. The cost also gets quite significant as you start to build up the tanks into your dream ideas
I started out with a pyrex dish and 4 sticklebacks I caught in a local pond with my 4 year old grandson. I now have 8 tanks, and am planning a marine setup as soon as I can make room for it. It's cost me a damn fortune over the last 4 years

By the way : your location tells me I should be really jealous of you. It seems absolutely lovely
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