New fish! Whoops, impulse buy...!

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
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Today I took my bronze cory babies to a LFS, Holding back eight to give to the guy I'm getting a tank from, so I had 66 young ones to take in. Got store credit, and I'd planned to get some more otocinclus, since they had some and I have two left in my school, figured they'd like some company.

They had so many gorgeous fish there! It's a small store, but they really maximise the space and have a lot of beautiful tanks with gorgeous fish. Some species I loved the look of but didn't know them, so noted down their names to do some research. I must have spent 30-40 minutes just browsing the tanks. Since I got some store credit for the cories, I got six otos, but also couldn't resist getting some venezuelan cories to add to my school! Impulse buy, I know, but I've wanted some since I first saw them in a store years ago, but they were super expensive then. More reasonably priced this time, so I have what we think are one female and two males.
venezuelan corydora.jpg

Stock photo since mine are still in the bag temp acclimating, but they're a gorgeous dark black, really beautiful. I'm justifying an impulse buy to myself since these are really a colour morph of Corydoras aeneus, bronze cories, so they'll fit right in with my bronze and albino school, and I'll also be upgrading to a 70g tank at the weekend, so there's room for them. :D:fish:

I'm really pleased, they're gorgeous, and the otos have also been in the store since July and have been eating commercial food, look nice and healthy, so hopefully they'll also be happy settling in to the established tank with my current two. I haven't bought new fish in a while, forgot how fun it is! lol
Today I took my bronze cory babies to a LFS, Holding back eight to give to the guy I'm getting a tank from, so I had 66 young ones to take in. Got store credit, and I'd planned to get some more otocinclus, since they had some and I have two left in my school, figured they'd like some company.

They had so many gorgeous fish there! It's a small store, but they really maximise the space and have a lot of beautiful tanks with gorgeous fish. Some species I loved the look of but didn't know them, so noted down their names to do some research. I must have spent 30-40 minutes just browsing the tanks. Since I got some store credit for the cories, I got six otos, but also couldn't resist getting some venezuelan cories to add to my school! Impulse buy, I know, but I've wanted some since I first saw them in a store years ago, but they were super expensive then. More reasonably priced this time, so I have what we think are one female and two males.
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Stock photo since mine are still in the bag temp acclimating, but they're a gorgeous dark black, really beautiful. I'm justifying an impulse buy to myself since these are really a colour morph of Corydoras aeneus, bronze cories, so they'll fit right in with my bronze and albino school, and I'll also be upgrading to a 70g tank at the weekend, so there's room for them. :D:fish:

I'm really pleased, they're gorgeous, and the otos have also been in the store since July and have been eating commercial food, look nice and healthy, so hopefully they'll also be happy settling in to the established tank with my current two. I haven't bought new fish in a while, forgot how fun it is! lol
I love those Cory just keep in mind the females do grow big and turn grey from what I have heard I could be wrong though

Ooohh, I hadn't heard that! Thank you for letting me know :) I won't mind if that happens, I had wondered whether the colour would change when they grew, like in a lot of fish. I definitely expect the female to get big, since my bronze girls are huge and chunky! But should be fine in the 70g :D

I just took some photos of them while transferring them to the tank, so will upload those to my computer and put them here in a min
Ooohh, I hadn't heard that! Thank you for letting me know :) I won't mind if that happens, I had wondered whether the colour would change when they grew, like in a lot of fish. I definitely expect the female to get big, since my bronze girls are huge and chunky! But should be fine in the 70g :D

I just took some photos of them while transferring them to the tank, so will upload those to my computer and put them here in a min
I could be wrong about the Cory turning grey I did a quick search and found nothing about that. I might be getting it mixed up with another Cory
Beautiful Venezuelans! I have never had them, but would like to. Congrats!
Even if they are just a color morph of C. aeneus, it may be a good idea not to cross breed them to keep both stocks pure.
I could be wrong about the Cory turning grey I did a quick search and found nothing about that. I might be getting it mixed up with another Cory

No worries! And it's very possibly true, like albinos tend to turn more creamy coloured and less bright white as they mature, and plecos change colour a lot as they grow. :) Welcome to the forum, BTW! Since your name is Coryking I hope you keep cories too? I need more cory loving friends here, so I hope so! What kind of cories do you have?

Beautiful Venezuelans! I have never had them, but would like to. Congrats!
Even if they are just a color morph of C. aeneus, it may be a good idea not to cross breed them to keep both stocks pure.
Thank you! That one was a stock photo, but mine are below! I can see what you mean, it makes sense, but I like having my cory gang all together, you know? They're happier in big groups. I'm not desperate to breed them either, I've only ever bred them accidentally when they've just happened to spawn so I've saved the eggs and raised the fry then. So I'll have them live together and if they happen to breed together, it won't matter too much since they're the same species, and I suppose it would mean some fry would be black, some normal, perhaps some albinos since I have two albinos too. If I decide I want to spawn just the black ones, I'll move just the black ones to a spawning tank to make sure they only produce venezuelans :)

Here's my cories, only two were willing to pose though;

@DoubleDutch and @Naughts Look at my adorable new babies!! I LOVE THEM :wub:
No worries! And it's very possibly true, like albinos tend to turn more creamy coloured and less bright white as they mature, and plecos change colour a lot as they grow. :) Welcome to the forum, BTW! Since your name is Coryking I hope you keep cories too? I need more cory loving friends here, so I hope so! What kind of cories do you have?

Thank you! That one was a stock photo, but mine are below! I can see what you mean, it makes sense, but I like having my cory gang all together, you know? They're happier in big groups. I'm not desperate to breed them either, I've only ever bred them accidentally when they've just happened to spawn so I've saved the eggs and raised the fry then. So I'll have them live together and if they happen to breed together, it won't matter too much since they're the same species, and I suppose it would mean some fry would be black, some normal, perhaps some albinos since I have two albinos too. If I decide I want to spawn just the black ones, I'll move just the black ones to a spawning tank to make sure they only produce venezuelans :)

Here's my cories, only two were willing to pose though;
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@DoubleDutch and @Naughts Look at my adorable new babies!! I LOVE THEM :wub:
Their adorable!
No worries! And it's very possibly true, like albinos tend to turn more creamy coloured and less bright white as they mature, and plecos change colour a lot as they grow. :) Welcome to the forum, BTW! Since your name is Coryking I hope you keep cories too? I need more cory loving friends here, so I hope so! What kind of cories do you have?

Thank you! That one was a stock photo, but mine are below! I can see what you mean, it makes sense, but I like having my cory gang all together, you know? They're happier in big groups. I'm not desperate to breed them either, I've only ever bred them accidentally when they've just happened to spawn so I've saved the eggs and raised the fry then. So I'll have them live together and if they happen to breed together, it won't matter too much since they're the same species, and I suppose it would mean some fry would be black, some normal, perhaps some albinos since I have two albinos too. If I decide I want to spawn just the black ones, I'll move just the black ones to a spawning tank to make sure they only produce venezuelans :)

Here's my cories, only two were willing to pose though;
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@DoubleDutch and @Naughts Look at my adorable new babies!! I LOVE THEM :wub:
At the minute I have Panda and albino. I have had lots before but a illness or something whipped out most of my fish😭. One Cory I had was long fin albino so rare and expensive
And I love my new otos too!

Looking a little pale from stress, but looking better already now they're in the planted tank.
@Colin_T - I did look at the tank closely, he said there were around 100 in the tank and that they'd been in store since mid-July. They did look really healthy, ones on the glass nice rounded tummies, lots were sitting on plant leaves and looked nicely coloured up, not skinny and fins looked good. But looking closer at my six now in this examination tank, two of them have short tails, like the points have eroded. How alarmed do you think I should be? I'll be keeping the water really clean of course, likely to be shipping problems? Or fin rot?
Congrats on the new fish :) What are the others that you saw? Curious to see what you are looking up!
At the minute I have Panda and albino. I have had lots before but a illness or something whipped out most of my fish😭. One Cory I had was long fin albino so rare and expensive

Pandas are super cute! I'm sorry about the losses though! That's always upsetting, even more so when it's a rare expensive one :( :rip:

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