How would one go about this...? (Pond inside a rowboat)


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
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Eastern US
I thought this was pretty epic... I would love to try it out if I can find a cheap boat! I know we already own a leaky one. How would someone go about sealing the interior in a way that made it fish safe? How many gallons would a 12-14 foot row boat hold...:blink: Any thoughts or concerns... or anything? Obviously it would have to be stabilized on either side, but with what... I’m just in love with this, I don’t if it’s a feasible idea or not.

I would need a water proof sealant that I could coat the entire interior in. Anyone know of something? Maybe... A spray?
I thought this was pretty epic... I would love to try it out if I can find a cheap boat! I know we already own a leaky one. How would someone go about sealing the interior in a way that made it fish safe? How many gallons would a 12-14 foot row boat hold...:blink: Any thoughts or concerns... or anything? Obviously it would have to be stabilized on either side, but with what... I’m just in love with this, I don’t if it’s a feasible idea or not.View attachment 158885
Super cool idea!!! I would think you would use some aquarium sealant for the leaks in the boat and then use a pond liner inside the row boat. I love this idea! Definitely following!

As far as how many gallons, you could probably measure to get a rough estimate of the gallons it holds
As far as stability I would dig into the ground to nest the hull of the boat. A pond sealer should work on the inside I would suspect. I'll have to call my mom to find out what they used to patch a hole a deer put in their liner. Very cool Idea.
As far as stability I would dig into the ground to nest the hull of the boat. A pond sealer should work on the inside I would suspect. I'll have to call my mom to find out what they used to patch a hole a deer put in their liner. Very cool Idea.
Yah I forgot about the stability lol. I definitely agree on maybe burying the boat just a little in the ground to help so it doesn't bust... It all depends on the material and structure of how its built
Thanks y’all for your input! A shallow trench for it to rest in, maybe filled with sand? Sorta like those preformed pond liners, where you pack sand down so they don’t crack once filled. I found a guy near me who is giving away two burned canoes. Looks like one end was a bit too close to a bonfire... theyre free, a 14 foot and a 16 foot! Might reach out and ask if they have any cracks, holes, or major dents beyond the slight melting... a pond liner would be necessary of cours.
The more of the canoe that is buried, the more stable the temperature of the water.

If the free canoes are plastic, they might have harmful chemicals in. If you get them, test them with a couple of cheap fish first.
That is definitely too cool!! It's crazy how many things could be overlooked as a classy pond/tank. If it holds water (and doesn't admit chemical poisoning, lol) then why not!! I appreciate this post a lot!!! Lol🐠💙
Oooooooh. I like this Idea. Mrs Lurch isn’t keen on above ground ponds but this may persuade her otherwise. Keep us informed on your progress.
I had intended to cut off the top and timber clad a white plastic/metal framed 1000L industrial water container. Then place a smaller water container inside it with the size difference filled with compost for Mrs Lurch’s plants. The smaller container being the pond. Put some LFWCMMs in a few weeks before Easter and see how many were there come the end of October. Unfortunately MrsLurch wasn’t overly keen…..though there will be a hidden area available of the garden behind the greenhouse soon.
The boat would be a lot cooler though.

Looks really nice...and very different from the usual ponds
@wasmewasntit I think I'll have to order one of those. I could get together a crew of toughened fish nerds, and wreak havoc all along the coast. There must be undefended fish worshippers we could raid. I could gather up Leif-fish the Lucky, Eric the Red Rainbow, Blackbeard Algie, Sir Francis Green Drake, Captain Kidderi and Njal the Beardalgaeless.
Then, once we've paid off the boat with raids, I could make it into a pond.

A person needs goals in life.
@wasmewasntit I think I'll have to order one of those. I could get together a crew of toughened fish nerds, and wreak havoc all along the coast. There must be undefended fish worshippers we could raid. I could gather up Leif-fish the Lucky, Eric the Red Rainbow, Blackbeard Algie, Sir Francis Green Drake, Captain Kidderi and Njal the Beardalgaeless.
Then, once we've paid off the boat with raids, I could make it into a pond.

A person needs goals in life.
How about a full size galleon replica?

An aquarium within a galleon...instead of the other way round....

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