I just took over this aquarium 3 days ago. A older guy had passed away and his wife had been caring for them for 2.5 years now. It was getting to be a little much on her so she was giving it away. I want to continue this mans work with honor and allow his fish to thrive for as long as possible. I'm new to the hobby myself, and am in the beginners freak out/paranoia stage, lol. Gained a lot of knowledge already from the internet over time, but not too much talk with fellow hobbyist with actual dedicated experience. There's 15 cichlids in this tank, I need to re-home a few as I want to add some bottom feeders and plecos to help the environment. 3 are pretty big as well, which is taken into factor about needing to re-home so I can add in. Otherwise I'd keep them in. Even if I wasn't gonna add in, I'd have to rehome something to make something work cause the 3 big ones.