Speckles/freckles on goldfish cheek/face


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern US
Hi. We bought a used tank that came with the 3 goldfish and common pleco that the guy had. He gave us all the cycled media. The only thing we changed was the substrate, from pink gravel to black sand. All 3 goldfish have little speckles on their cheeks. The man said he “treated them for ich” who knows what that means or if he even knew what he was doing. One of them has a bit of a fuzzy white grainy growth on her fins. I’ve been doing weekly water changes. I am guessing this has to do with something the fish came to us with?

Tank size - 75 gallons
Stock - 5” oranda, 7” wakin, 4” ryukin, 8” common pleco (sizes are estimated)
Parameters - ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <20ppm, PH 7.5

Fx4 filter

There are some pothos and monsteras on the top of the tank, with the roots soaking up the nitrates. Other than that it’s empty to just give them space. Black sand with larger pebbles. We’ve had them three weeks now. Thoughts? I havent added any medication to the tank, I know better than that!
Breeding tubercles found on male cyprinid fishes when the weather warms up and they come into breeding condition. They develop small white dots on the gill covers and edge of the pectoral (side) fins in spring and early summer. It can also happen when fish are moved indoors from a cold pond into warmer water. Female fish don't get the spots. It's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
They look like a male's spawning suit. Male goldfish get these dots when they are ready to spawn.
Breeding tubercles found on male cyprinid fishes when the weather warms up and they come into breeding condition. They develop small white dots on the gill covers and edge of the pectoral (side) fins in spring and early summer. It can also happen when fish are moved indoors from a cold pond into warmer water. Female fish don't get the spots. It's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
Interesting… definitely spring here! Though would they know it, even from inside the house? What about the grainy growth on the fins? It is mostly noticeable on the calico ryukin.
Interesting… definitely spring here! Though would they know it, even from inside the house? What about the grainy growth on the fins? It is mostly noticeable on the calico ryukin.
They react to atmospheric pressure. So, it doesn't matter inside or outside. Sometimes these growths extend to their fins as well.
They react to atmospheric pressure. So, it doesn't matter inside or outside. Sometimes these growths extend to their fins as well.
I’m not sure if the pictures show it, but it looks different on the fins than on their faces. Almost like snow piled a bit. I am just. so. paranoid.
The males get small white bumps/ dots on the gill covers and the largest fin ray of their pectoral fin.

If the fish were outside for a few months before you got them, or even in an unheated tank, then going into a warmer tank or warmer house can cause the males to come into breeding condition.
How many fish have you in the tank without these growths? Ratio of with and without?
Two goldfish have it, one doesn’t. The pleco doesn’t have it, so I guess if you count him two out of four.

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