Quarantine one corydoras separately?

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Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
One or two of my 15 corydoras sterbai are sick. Last week after my regular (30-40%) water change I observed for the first time breeding behavior of my cories. They are bit too young for that since I only have them from october.
anyway, I was gone a week, no feeding the tank, I come back and notice two cories looking off.
One has fungi in both eyes, they are milky white in the center. The fish is otherwise active, no issues, no sunken belly. I know fungi is a sign of poor water quality, which surprised me a bit, but I guess ok, many hornwort leaves, the wood adds and I didnt vacuum the gravel that well since I have been struggling to keep the hornwort and the tank nozzles and filters at bay. Ok
The other one looks off though. I cant really describe it and I cant take a clear picture for the love of me. it looks like half its mouth is missing, but it is not. The barbs are there, but the mouth is sort of always opened, which gives it a pointy long faced look, unlike the other cories. I think one of the gills is more opened or more prominent or something, cause from one side the mouth and the gill just look off. The fish was really passive, I manage to catch it in the net without great efforts.

Now here is the thing, I moved it to my recently empty of fish tank, which still has lot of flowers, some algae ( keeping it for the shrimp that are not there yet) and lower temp than the other tank. I also put lower than recommended dose of esha2000 in there.
I put the fish there, no slow process either, just dumped it there. It was sitting on leaves and at the ground yesterday, I dropped a small piece of wafer to the tank overnight, cant say I saw the fish eat it. The fish is more active today, swims away when it sees me, switches places but still, mouth opened and bit strange
Wont the fact that the fish is alone now stress it more than keeping it separate?

The ph is mostly similar in the both tanks, around 6,8. temp in the original tank is 27, in this it is 25. Have no nitrate or ammonia test but I suspect the bamboo shrimp would go first and quickly if the water was not ok.
I did a 40% water change with 1/3 gravel vacuum yesterday in the primary tank, I am planning on replacing 30% of the water in this now quarantine tank and perhaps putting another dose of esha, to prevent fungi in any of the places it may happen.

What is better, keeping the fish separate and trying to nurse it like this, or returning it back? In the quarantine I have better chance of seeing the fish, watching it feed and seeing how it fares, in the large one I fear I will just find its dead body at some point. But what if the stress of being alone makes it worse?

managed to snap some picture, sorry awful quality. The fish looks like it is sucking on something constantly, the mouth is moving all the time
I feed a variety of food top to bottom, some hikari micro pellets, some dried artemia, frozen daphnia, frozen cyclops (once a week the frozen one), sera vipan baby food, I put in spirulina wafers for the snails and sera vipachip which has 30% protein content for the cories, I drop one of these like every 3 days, rest is leftover from the top feeding but there are lot of leftovers, since I only have hatchetfish and tetra.
Neither of the cories have sunken bellies, they are active and quite full so I hope they are doing ok feeding-wise
I also have several leaves in there and since I feed the snails carrots and lettuce and pumpkin and zucchini and peppers, the cories come take a look at those if interested too.
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Your main tank is above their temperature comfort zone - 25 is the top of what they like like, and 22-23 would be even better.

I'll guess the mouth is some kind of infection brought on by the water issue. Extra heat won't cause illness, but it does provide a boost for some unwanted bacteria. So the QT tank is a good place for her, just in case it's something that could spread. Your med isn't available in my country, so I can't comment. But conditions in the second tank sound like they'd give her a better chance of fighting back.
Your main tank is above their temperature comfort zone - 25 is the top of what they like like, and 22-23 would be even better.

I'll guess the mouth is some kind of infection brought on by the water issue. Extra heat won't cause illness, but it does provide a boost for some unwanted bacteria. So the QT tank is a good place for her, just in case it's something that could spread. Your med isn't available in my country, so I can't comment. But conditions in the second tank sound like they'd give her a better chance of fighting back.
That isn't quite correct for Sterbai Gary.
25C is on the low side for those.

What substrate are the fish on ?
That isn't quite correct for Sterbai Gary.
25C is on the low side for those.
Sorry for the miss on that. I double checked in Fishbase for that one, since I haven't kept any for a few years. They list 21-25.
Yeah I went with sterbai since they are recommended for discus even as they can easily handle and prosper in 28° and I have 27 ish for the tylomelania.
In the main tank it is sandy substrate with some limestone stones still mixed in the sand form previous use, I tried to get it out but is not easy. Is not sharp either, just some small stones in patches. Mostly sand.
The QT has a "black sand" marketed substrate that is way larger than the fine sand I have, but is all round, should be fine for a while too
FYI esha2000 is designed for primary and secondary fungus infections, bacterial skin infection and gill and skin parasites. Can be also used to prevent fungus in eggs. Supposed to be this large spectral medicament
will do the recommended 3 day treatment and see
I finished the treatment, changed the water, but the fish is not looking better. yesterday was active and so, today very passive, not hiding, strange positions. What else can I try? I just saw it swimming up to the surface to take a breath three times, always barely reaching, not using the front fins, just the tail.
I dont understand what is wrong with it.
What substrate are they on ?
Could you place another pic of the fish?

this sand substrate with the residual stones, this is the highest concentration, there are less in other places, have no way how to syphone it out effectively
I cant take a picture of the fish, too much glare, cant zoom it enough, I took like 60 already....
Ha, work iphone for the win, managed a picture.
Dunno why, even the eye seems off to me


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