I am so BEYOND frustrated.

Here are some pictures of the neon tetras and honey gourami
They look alright form the outside so possibly a water quality issue or something else, but they don't appear to have any external diseases.
They look alright form the outside so possibly a water quality issue or something else, but they don't appear to have any external diseases.
I am thinking it was water quality issue, because I lost all my cycled filter media.
Just wanted to follow up with what happened after my uncle took his fish home. After all that, he threw all his fish in a variety of tanks at his home. He bought a bucket and water pump, and thought that running the tank water through a sponge would remove the ammonia. Wowwww. I explained water changes and tank cycled to him, told him that the red sores on all his fish were ammonia burns. “No ammonias fine. The water parameters are all fine.” He doesn’t listen to anything. Alllll the trouble and allll the loss… he threw all his koi out in a massive index pool with no filtration, no aeration, and very little circulation. Oh and he didn’t dechlorinate. “The chlorine will gas off”. It if it’s chloramine! Then he dumped an algae side in and it killed all his fish. I just try not to think about it anymore, but wanted y’all to hear the end of what happened. Ridiculous, all of it was absolutely pointless. My uncles not an awful person, you know. He just thinks he knows. He thinks he’s doing it right, and doesn’t want to hear it. Ahh. But the pond is doing well, all the plants are coming back and my fish seem to be thriving now.
Swear to me and your family that you will never help that man with fish related stuff ever again except for speaking to him. Dont do any favors like caring for his fish or taking them in. Also don't let him use your tanks or pond. And definitely not your cycled filyer media. I'm sure your mom will understand that. He just seems like an arrogant man who thinks his way is the best because your a "kid". But you know more than him
Your pictures are great. That's an awesome pond but the whole rest of the story reminds me of something I was told years ago that has always proved true. "If you have something nice you won't ruin it, somebody else will".
Thats why my little brother rarely goes into my room 😂
Swear to me and your family that you will never help that man with fish related stuff ever again except for speaking to him. Dont do any favors like caring for his fish or taking them in. Also don't let him use your tanks or pond. And definitely not your cycled filyer media. I'm sure your mom will understand that. He just seems like an arrogant man who thinks his way is the best because your a "kid". But you know more than him
No, @OliveFish05, I'm being serious. I wasnt joking. Don't do any fish tank favors for him.
Yep. I don’t think about it. What’s done is done. Im just glad it’s over! The pond today. And we are going to pick up some of the plants that don’t winter over. Taro and mosaic plant mainly.
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Yep. I don’t think about it. What’s done is done. Some people never learn, it is what it is. Im just glad it’s over! The pond today. And we are going to pick up some of the plants that don’t winter over. Taro and mosaic plant mainly.View attachment 160363
That looks beautiful!
Is that the pond you ride your boat around in? 😅
What a waste.
Hopefully he learnt something from the experience, who knows.

Put a sign on the outside of your bedroom door saying "nobody is to touch my fish, tanks or pond, EVER."

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