Snail question,


Fish Addict
Jan 13, 2022
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Hi, so during setup of my 29 gallon I decided to add snails, and got 3. A nerite, a mystery, and an assassin. I'll come clean and admit I had no idea that the assassin honors its name, I just thought it looked cool.

I'm glad he didn't starve, because I have no infestation and I suppose he was scavenging fish food (been about 3 weeks or so).

anyway, after missing for 3 days I finally spotted him today, on top of the mystery guy. Doesn't look like it did any damage, after I separated them the mystery moved OK, but it's obvious that the assassin was positioning itself because it was just trying to eat. I pulled him out and put him in a cup with a protein wafer, which he seems to take a liking to.

But what do I do long term? I like its look and I doubt the store will take him back, although I haven't asked yet. Plus you never know, he might come handy, as I plan to add more plants and from what I've read that's how you get hitch-hiker snails that then become pests. if and until that happens, I also don't want it to kill the nerite or the mystery. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Also if there is a different sub forum to post this to let me know.

Pictures for fun, because I didn't realize this is how it looks when it's feeding, that's straight out of a science fiction movie.

And pic of the mystery patrolling the glass, seems to me he has grown a bit since I got him.

Thanks in advance


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I once bought an assassin without knowing it was one. It was in a tank at the store labelled algae eating snails :oops:

There is a Shrimp & Other Invertebrates forum but Tropical Discussion is OK as well :)

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