Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

It is time to put my baby sword plants on the bottom of the tank they are still attached to the mother plant at this stage
The Ambulia is looking good.
The whiptails must be having a field day with all the algae :)
@Colin_T. You see that crypt in the background, that is the one I had flowering, when I put in the tank, I thought I would lose all its leaves, funny thing it has just kept growing. Sometimes weird stuff happens in the fish world.
The wonderful thing about having a naturally lit tank is that in the middle of the day you get your whiptails free swimming from one end of the tank to the other. I know the photos are rubbish, but you try and do better!!
Tonight's little reflection, if you look back a few posts I was having a pest snail problem, since I have added the Whiptails, the snails have almost gone completely, not all of them, but the population is reducing. Just an observation.
An observation with the Black Phantoms. I have put only ten into my 150g tank (hoping they will spawn). So, these fish don't school like you would think, or see them schooling in smaller tanks.
The females have spread themselves down the length of the tank and the males flirt with the females and each other. But they never swim in a group.
They don't have to swim in a group because there are no predators to scare them. The males usually have little territories and show off to each other and the girls. If a big predator enters the area, they will group up and hide together. Safety in numbers. But no predators means it's party time :drink:
They don't have to swim in a group because there are no predators to scare them. The males usually have little territories and show off to each other and the girls. If a big predator enters the area, they will group up and hide together. Safety in numbers. But no predators means it's party time :drink:
It is cool to watch them. It just proves that you don't need to have a lot of fish, to have a tank that looks full.
OK so this is a journal, this morning the tank was leaking out of the left-hand front corner. I stripped down the join and re sealed, tonight it is stable. Remember, when your tank leaks you don't always need to empty it

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