What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

Biggest regret - Red Tail Catfish
Got one when I first started, LFS told me it might get a couple feet (pre-internet). I had a plan to build a pond in my basement which, knowing what I know now, still would not have been sufficient. He was an awesome fish, practically a dog.

Years later I got to see some full grown RTC's at a zoo. It's amazing how big they get considering how small they start. It's a fish that has no place in the hobby, but you can still buy them if you look.
What happened to it?
I don’t exactly regret buying my beautiful betta on eBay, but will not get another when his time comes. I prefer big fish that can live in harmony.
I don’t exactly regret buying my beautiful betta on eBay, but will not get another when his time comes. I prefer big fish that can live in harmony.
Most 'big' fishes don't live in harmony unless they are by themselves.
Hey everyone! I've seen this topic on a few fishkeeping yt channels and I thought it would be cool to hear everyones answers on this aswell!
What fish have you owned that you regret owning/buying and why?
Heres a few of mine:
Sailfin Plecostimus - I got one of these when I was Quite young and inexperienced in the hobby, only expecting it to grow to around 7 inches but as we all know, that number is usually triple hahaha.
Three spot gourami - Again I was more inexperienced and had no idea how to handle aggression at the time especially when I wasn't expecting it from the gouramis.
Electric Blue Ram - I had bought a pair a couple months ago but I made a huge mistake by buying them off a huge chain store where they had clear deformities and thinking I was doing them a favour by "rescuing them" they were already too far gone and did not survive further than a week even in good water perametres.
Firemouth Cichlid - A few years ago I was obsessed with these fish and owned a trio, Great fish but destroyed my community which is my own fault for not doing the full research on the breeding activities of these fish and understanding the space needed to succesfully house three let alone one in a community setup.
Last but not least
Bala Shark - As a kid, I saw these in the store and thought "Shark I want!" which ended up me unkowingly buying a fish that grows to over at least 1ft and housing it in a 30 gallon tank, fish stores should definetely make a huge effort to either ensure the customers have suitable tanks or just not sell them at all! Such a beautiful fish that is unfortunately always sold even if you don't have a suitable aquarium and I will always feel awful for the poor bala I bought all those years ago. I hate my decisions for buying all of these fish and I really wish I researched them all before considering buying but it's all learning and I wish I could've been a better fishkeeper for the sake of the fish as I love them all and all animals and people ?
Electric blue rams. So stunning but just too delicate. Bought 2 times and they all died within 2 weeks.
I have had three betas only one I regret buying that was my last beta he was mean and skittish a worker at big Al's said I could put a beta with dwarf frogs and tetra's so I got dwarf frogs and tetras but he killed all of my tetras I later got more tetras and give the beta to my friend, one things for sure I'm never buying a beta ever again.
I now think I made a mistake to mix rainbow fish. Now that almost are all M. boesemani?..it just looks better and the M.boesemani are much more calm and serene. I consider them the best of all Rainbows and yes,an aquarium just for them is worth it. Also,should I spot at the LFS a particular fine Bozy?,No worries it wont fit in. Instead when its single species Rainbows,its join the family.
My BA tetras! I didn't do my research and they ate all my plants haha
I now think I made a mistake to mix rainbow fish. Now that almost are all M. boesemani?..it just looks better and the M. boesemani are much more calm and serene. I consider them the best of all Rainbows and yes, an aquarium just for them is worth it. Also, should I spot at the LFS a particular fine Bozy?,No worries it wont fit in. Instead when its single species Rainbows, its join the family.
You could breed the rainbowfish and increase numbers that way. If you only have M. boesemani in the tank, add a spawning mop and remove it after a week. Put the mop in a hatching tank and rear up the babies.
A rainbow shark for a community tank. He grew up and turned into a bully.
Yep- all the Labeo are like that. I myself fell for the looks of Red Tail Sharks decades ago. They are for aquariums with large fish..in small aquariums they chase non stop. Beautiful fish. Like an exotic car with deep black,vivid red and that cool white tipped dorsal.
well not a fish, but I am not thrilled by the axolotls. Boring! They hide all day and swim nights. I can spy on them with an infrared camera. They are adorable though.
well not a fish, but I am not thrilled by the axolotls. Boring! They hide all day and swim nights. I can spy on them with an infrared camera. They are adorable though.View attachment 150364
My axolotls are actually rather active… always out and about, and Kirby swims for hours every morning and evening. Let me correct that. Kirby is active. The other two are lazy lumps lol
Jenny,if they are with fish,maybe they nip at the Axolotls?
Olive's tank looks righteous. Window lit also I see.

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