I think my cycle broke....

The nymph is on the under side of a branch right now... I can see him... Also, I cant tell if this nitrite reading is at a 2 or a 5... I usually add the ammonia, test the next day and its 0 but nitrites are at 1, so I wait till the next day to add any ammonia... But this time I thought id try to add the ammonia 2 days in a row... The ammonia is 0 but the nitrites are something... Here is a pic:


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It needs to be gone
He only eats the small snails... But, I understand... I just tried catching him... He got away... He has away of literally disapearing for days
One other thing... He is super shy... The nymph that is... One of my larger snails scared him, my tweezers scared him, and my hand did... If he is really aggressive, why didnt he attack the larger snail? Instead of attacking he moved behind the wood and fluttered away
I'm thinking of putting some shrimp in to see uow he reacts... Maybe some amano shrimp... I understand they need a mature tank, but my tank does have a ton of algae and other stuff to munch on
He only eats the small snails... But, I understand... I just tried catching him... He got away... He has away of literally disapearing for days

One other thing... He is super shy... The nymph that is... One of my larger snails scared him, my tweezers scared him, and my hand did... If he is really aggressive, why didnt he attack the larger snail? Instead of attacking he moved behind the wood and fluttered away
It is growing, and learning to hunt...
2 1/2 inches

This is the results of my main tank today... The nitrites are at a 2-5ppm or more... (I wish API made the colors a bit more distinct).
This iz the results of mt QT tank... (I know they look like the results of the main tank, I thought about that myself). So I will keep adding 3ppm ammonia for the rest of the week (until Sunday) and then let the nitrites drop.


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