Some little changes in my 150 L tank. Avant hier, this is the day before yesterday, all of my guppies females were taken away from it, I'm leaving back only 6 males of the guppies which were born in the aquarium, too. Kinda Endler-mistake mutant and colorful. To see the tank this way totally empty is a little sad because those fishes were since the very beginning of the tank in September of 2020 (the fish came of course in october after 3-4 weeks of running (cycling), before all the first tank inhabitant was a single guppy female and after few days there were a group of some 8-10 guppies, some few weeks after came 7 spinny eels which are meant to be the main inhabitants of this 137L net content tank what is actually too little capacity (to be breeded) for them although it's perfect made for the eels and they are altogether happy and alright.
The day before yesterday was a counting day, the single flaty wooden trunk on the sand for the eels, the only objekt in the tank besides the two spezies of plants, all of this stuff out of the tank together with 80L of water and some 1h of chasing the complete minuscule fry and at last sucking them off with a hose was the only possibility to take them away, kind of horrible labor.
The counting of the inhabitants was correct, all of the seven eels were present, 11 Corydoras hastatus, 8 well accustomed chocolate guramis which perhaps can attain an age of 3 or 4 years (cory 8, eels 18 years of live) and even some neocaridina shrimps of the blue dreams, perhaps 7 or 8 which were accidentaly shiped with the bucket of subwassertang I took in Sept. 2020 of my 60L shrimp tank, now I'm going to achieve the amount of shimps and corys (I forgot to mention there is also a single C. aeneus born in this tank), some 15- 20 C. hastatus more I can take from their home soon to create a shoal of some 30 fishes, and finally I want to re-start the shrimp tank with only 10 of the best individuals, and take the reject amount of shrimps, not less than 60, to the 150L to complete the inhabitants fauna for the moment.
The last and only counting of the 30L Denneerle cube with the inverted gravel filter and the breeding group of hastatus last summer resulted in over 60 individuals, they are breeding there since 2018, the fry can exist from what they find in the soil and the jungle to survive, it's amazing for me and I never owned such a breeding tank before in my life (there is only a single oto and a good deal of planorbis snails because I got a pest of algae from a feeding pond (the tank is so to speak microcontaminated and that's probably good for fry). In addition this is my only tank that gets directly sun rays for about 3h in the morning till 11, there are also two bushes of terrestrial plants with their roots in the tank and some amazing ivy is doing its very best to clean water as well. For the current there is an 150l/h air pump whithout outflow stone and very big air bubbles, that's all for the 30L cube.
Basically there are two big plant rooms in the 150L with two different spezies, the subwassertang, which is called Lomariopsis and is a fern gametophyte and gets very well in the dark, the other spezies is Ceratophyllum demersus I believe, and gets gigantic growing at the surface looking for the light, once a mounth I have to take a bucket of the hornwort out of the tank. GH 577µS and PH was 5,8 after 5 weeks of no water change, right now after 2 days and having put 80L of fresh tap water this was 7.5 PH, it seems that my aquariums stuffed with fast growing plant (except subwassertang) and enough fish are quite acidifying but that's not really been an issue for me in any time with the tanks and I desire that little acide for my planted tanks.