Do you change the water after adding fish?


Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2020
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Fresno California
Stupid question, is it okay to change the water after adding in new fish. And also should you add seachem stability to the water after adding in fish? I was thinking of getting 2 cherry barbs to replenish my tank after the debacle last time as well as 5 ghost shrimp
You should do a water change 24 hours before getting or adding new fish to a tank so you don't stress them more than they already are.

If you have just added new fish, wait 1 week before doing a water change to minimise the stress they are put under.

The stress comes from the fish being sent to the shop. Put in their tanks, which might have different water chemistry to the supplier. Chased around the tank when people try to catch them or other fish in the tank. Put into a plastic bag and transported to your house. Put into your tank, which might have different water chemistry again.

All these stress factors affect the fish, so either do a water change before getting new fish or wait a week so they can recover a bit before doing a water change.

The only exception to this is if you get an ammonia or nitrite problem. Then you do a water change any day you have a reading above 0ppm.
You should do a water change 24 hours before getting or adding new fish to a tank so you don't stress them more than they already are.

If you have just added new fish, wait 1 week before doing a water change to minimise the stress they are put under.

The stress comes from the fish being sent to the shop. Put in their tanks, which might have different water chemistry to the supplier. Chased around the tank when people try to catch them or other fish in the tank. Put into a plastic bag and transported to your house. Put into your tank, which might have different water chemistry again.

All these stress factors affect the fish, so either do a water change before getting new fish or wait a week so they can recover a bit before doing a water change.

The only exception to this is if you get an ammonia or nitrite problem. Then you do a water change any day you have a reading above 0ppm.
K thx and what should I do with seachem stability?
has your tank been fully cycled? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. Also give us the PH. You only need stability if your tank has not been cycled. How many fish and what types are presently in the tank? What size is the tank? What was the issue you had recently--did some fish die?
has your tank been fully cycled? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. Also give us the PH. You only need stability if your tank has not been cycled. How many fish and what types are presently in the tank? What size is the tank? What was the issue you had recently--did some fish die?
Yes my tank has been cycled. I’ll give you the readings tomorrow I have to go to bed. The kinds of fish are 5 gold skirts,8 albino corydoras, 4 cherry barbs and two thick lipped gouramis. The tank size is 30 gallons tall, two of the biggest fish died a cherry barb and a gold skirt
do you know what they died from?

This is ph, ammonia and nitrite respectively as far as I can tell everything looks ok. I can’t fall asleep might as well
Nitrates at 80 is too high. And ph looks orange.. you need to shake the reagent bottles very thoroughly. Do a 75% wc and then retest after an hour.
Stupid question, is it okay to change the water after adding in new fish. And also should you add seachem stability to the water after adding in fish? I was thinking of getting 2 cherry barbs to replenish my tank after the debacle last time as well as 5 ghost shrimp
That is not a stupid question! It’s something I never thought about. I float the bags containing new fish in the tank for 15 minutes or so & release them. I make regular water changes, nothing special. The volume of pet shop water is very low compared to the tank water.

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