Shrimp tank

I tried various floating plants in this tank with the betta. Salvinia just died; water sprite disappeared bit by bit; elodea got full of that long hair like algae. Then I got the frogbit, there were only a few plants at the start back in May but they now cover the entire surface excpet for the rim of a polystyrene cup that keeps a bit of surface plant free or the food would end up on top of the leaves.
There are two types, one being a leddy tube which you can clip on the underside (or use zip ties to fasten onto) of the tank lid
I have this kind on my main tank. They are between T8 and T5 size but the plastic slip on ends fit nicely in the T8 clips which came as apart of the lid.
My Salvinia has grown a lot and was going great until the power cut. I'd the tank covered to keep heat. But now some is starting to brown.

Edit: typo
Finally an update!

This was taken just after a water change which is why there are bubbles on the tank wall. 16 baby shrimps in the old water bucket today.

30 cm/12 inch cube which holds ~23 litres/6 gallons.
Eheim Pickup 45 filter with fine black mesh over the intake slits
Sand substrate.

Red cherry shrimps, nerite snail, pest snails (tiny ramshorns and bladder/tadpole snails of the Physid type)
Java moss, anubias bonsai, Schismatoglottis preitoi, red root floater.

Shrimp tank Nov 2021.jpg
Oh, all of you with your cool shrimp tanks are messing up my MTS equilibrium. I am really going to have to make one of these. Maybe a classroom tank. Maybe with a backdrop that looks like an Anasazi cliff dwelling? Hm, what kind of inverts would look right with that?
Oh, all of you with your cool shrimp tanks are messing up my MTS equilibrium. I am really going to have to make one of these. Maybe a classroom tank. Maybe with a backdrop that looks like an Anasazi cliff dwelling? Hm, what kind of inverts would look right with that?
Finally an update!

This was taken just after a water change which is why there are bubbles on the tank wall. 16 baby shrimps in the old water bucket today.

30 cm/12 inch cube which holds ~23 litres/6 gallons.
Eheim Pickup 45 filter with fine black mesh over the intake slits
Sand substrate.

Red cherry shrimps, nerite snail, pest snails (tiny ramshorns and bladder/tadpole snails of the Physid type)
Java moss, anubias bonsai, Schismatoglottis preitoi, red root floater.

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Sorry, thinking out loud. I love that tiny anubias. And the bushy moss.
I squished the moss together during the water change. By next week it'll be spread out taking up most of the tank again :)
Yeah, Java moss grows crazy and wild.

Find it hard to trim Java moss without the trimmed bits floating out everywhere in the water! :lol:
I take the wood out of the tank, trim it, then swoosh it round in the bucket of old water during a water change. That gets rid of most of the bits :)

The shrimps seem to like it when it's not all squished up together so I don't mind too much when it reaches out and takes over.
I've never had a ton of luck with moss, except the christmas moss in my old SE Asia tank. It grew like a weed. Java has never done much for me. Must be something lacking in my water. Can't possibly be me...
I broke my previous record this afternoon. In the old water bucket were 38 baby shrimps and 1 adult :lol:

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