Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

Betta Hotels are the only way to keep multiple fish for sale. Usually, six-by-six inch compartments. About two hundred compartments to a hotel. Linked to one filtration system.
Still horrible, they can barely turn around, and there is no stimulation at all…I think the lfs has a mini hotel lol it’s only about 5x5…
Still horrible, they can barely turn around, and there is no stimulation at all…I think the lfs has a mini hotel lol it’s only about 5x5…
One of the reasons I stopped having anything to do with Bettas. If we all stopped keeping them then the fish would be better off.
I wasn’t sure this thread was going to have such a positive update, fingers crossed he keeps improving.

I will just add my thoughts on “rescuing“ Betta fish from these “tiny cups” in pet shops…if we refused to buy them, the shops would either stop selling them, or improve the conditions in which they hold them.

My lfs (Maidenhead Aquatics) have ‘upgraded’ their Betta section to tiny, square tanks in a 5x5 rack. They are only just wider than the fish are long…have they heard my opinion on that !! 😡
Mine was in a container that was 3x3 (tiny coffee cup size)
Could barely even turn himself around.
I don't agree with the conditions these poor fish have to live in.
I saw this one desperately needed helped so that's why I brought him home.
I try to avoid petstores for this exact reason, but something drew me to him.
And the poor guy who knows what his life was at the petstore and how long he was in that tiny container for.
I have a 4 year old betta in a 5 gallon bowl and he's super happy and flourishing.
I'll try a tank for my new guy.
Are there any specific plants you could recommend for his tank?
My other one has bamboo and loves it, but I would love to try another kind.
Thanks for all your input
I appreciate the help very much
Hi there,
I just brought this poor betta home from the petstore today and I have done some reading about possible reasons for his unhappiness.

I put him in a larger bowl with clean water and wrapped a really warm cozy around his bowl.
Should I wait a few days and see if he improves?
I can't get a thermometer for a few days, or stips to test the ph levels.
I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions/guidence for how to help him pls?
Thanks in advance
Doing better every day! :)
Did you properly cycle the tank? If not, you are now doing a fish-in cycle which is difficult and time consuming to do. You will need a test kit and monitor ammonia and nitrites every day and do a 50% or more water change when levels go much above 0. If levels go too high, the fish can get stressed or worse. It can takes several weeks for the tank to cycle. To speed up the cycle by recommended bottle of Beneficial bacteria and dose it into the filter. You can also speed up the cycle by putting in some floating plants and possibly a few stem plants.

We recommend doing a fishless cycle before buying fish. But it's too late for that in your case.

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