White spot identification bristlenose


New Member
Sep 18, 2021
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Hi everyone! I noticed this morning that my super red bristlenose had some white spots on him. My first thought was Ich or maybe stress spots? Water parameters are Ph 8 (I know a little high for BN) Am 0 NI 0 NA 10 Temp 78F. He’s eating and cleaning and doesn’t seem to be feeling ill. None of his other tank mates are showing symptoms. The parameters are for the main tank 40gal breeder, planted, 6 zebra danio, 6 corydora, 2 juvenile Angel, 1 mystery snail, and him. Tank is filtered with Aquaclear 50 and a dual sponge filter. I normally do weekly 25-30% water changes with prime. I have quarantined him in a heated/filtered 5 gallon with some Java moss and a hide. Does anyone have an idea of what’s going on with him? I’d like to have some guidance before I start adding meds or treating anything that may just be water quality issues. I did a 30% WC in the 40 after moving him to the QT tank. Thanks everyone! Pics included are him this am before moving him over and while he was cupped adjusting to the slight temp difference in the QT tank.


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I agree it looks like ich. For treatment, you can raise the tank temp gradually to 86F and leave it there until a week after the last white spot disappears. At this point all the fish on the 40 tank have the potential of getting it, so I would put the pleco back and raise that tanks temp. Meds are not necessary, especially as most contain things that could harm your pleco, catfish, or snail.
Agree that it is ich, and advise the raised water temp treatment, as well....warmer water holds less O2, so adding an additional bubbler will help with gas exchange.

For a 40B, this tank is a bit under-filtered, IMO...I'd consider getting a bigger HOB...you could just move the media from the AC50 to the larger filter...an AC70, perhaps
Agree that it is ich, and advise the raised water temp treatment, as well....warmer water holds less O2, so adding an additional bubbler will help with gas exchange.

For a 40B, this tank is a bit under-filtered, IMO...I'd consider getting a bigger HOB...you could just move the media from the AC50 to the larger filter...an AC70, perhaps
Or add a second AC50! That’s what I’ve got on my 55 gallon, in case one fails I still have a bit of backup to buy me time. Plus makes the tank look more symmetrical
I was just thinking about doing this! Better circulation and twice as much BB space right? Would it be best to have them side by side or spread across the tank?
I was just thinking about doing this! Better circulation and twice as much BB space right? Would it be best to have them side by side or spread across the tank?
The extra filtration won't help with the ich much, but in the long run, it's a good idea

I'd place one on each end of the tank
Can the corys handle the higher temps? I guess short term it's better than catching ich?
It would depend on the cories I think, I know pandas don’t do as well with the higher temps. But generally, they do fine with the heat
It is nothing to worry about as Bristlenose usually gets these spots depending on the mood and the stress level. As long as yours is not rubbing on tank objects and you have maintained the water quality, I think it's normal. You can read about the suitable water parameters here, and if you really believe it has ich, they also have some great advice on the ich treatment.
Hi everyone! I noticed this morning that my super red bristlenose had some white spots on him. My first thought was Ich or maybe stress spots? Water parameters are Ph 8 (I know a little high for BN) Am 0 NI 0 NA 10 Temp 78F. He’s eating and cleaning and doesn’t seem to be feeling ill. None of his other tank mates are showing symptoms. The parameters are for the main tank 40gal breeder, planted, 6 zebra danio, 6 corydora, 2 juvenile Angel, 1 mystery snail, and him. Tank is filtered with Aquaclear 50 and a dual sponge filter. I normally do weekly 25-30% water changes with prime. I have quarantined him in a heated/filtered 5 gallon with some Java moss and a hide. Does anyone have an idea of what’s going on with him? I’d like to have some guidance before I start adding meds or treating anything that may just be water quality issues. I did a 30% WC in the 40 after moving him to the QT tank. Thanks everyone! Pics included are him this am before moving him over and while he was cupped adjusting to the slight temp difference in the QT tank.
Between here and a Facebook group I’m getting a majority of “it’s ich” but also plenty of “it’s a pleco thing/stress” answers. My current plan of action is as follows. I’m going to begin slowly raising the temp in the main tank and continue to monitor the other fish for symptoms as well as watch my corys for signs of temperature stress. My pleco doesn’t seem to be itchy and he still isn’t acting out of the ordinary. I will continue to keep an eye on him in the qt tank for the rest of the day and likely replace him to the main tank this evening for dinner time. I will slowly up my temp from the typical 78ish toward 85-86 over the next few days and start daily 20% water changes until I see some improvement. Thanks for your help and guidance everyone. If you have any suggestions to add to this treatment plan please comment your advice! Thanks!

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