Development of N. Multifasciatus

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Fish Herder
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Jul 14, 2020
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Washington State, USA
How long does it take for the Neolamprologus Multifasciatus fry to reach sexual maturity?
I have a trio, 2F 1M, with a batch of fry from each female. Each clutch emerged 2 to 3 weeks apart. The first set of fry look like miniature versions of the adults, and the second are still developing their color and stripes.
The tank is a 30 gallon flatback hexagon tank, with playsand, XL escargot shells, floating plants, and about a dozen mystery snails. I use Seachems Rift Lake salts to adjust the ph/gh to suit them.
I will post a video and pictures so you guys can see how far along they are.
A video. Sorry for the poor quality, just rinsed my filter sponges, which left some stuff floating around.
And some pictures.


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How long does it take for the Neolamprologus Multifasciatus fry to reach sexual maturity?
Under good conditions, about 3 months.
Under poor conditions, 12 months.

Feed them 3-5 times a day and do a huge water change and gravel clean every day or two. Keep the water warm (28C) and the babies will grow rapidly.
Best food for the babies is newly hatched brineshrimp and microworms.
Under good conditions, about 3 months.
Under poor conditions, 12 months.

Feed them 3-5 times a day and do a huge water change and gravel clean every day or two. Keep the water warm (28C) and the babies will grow rapidly.
Best food for the babies is newly hatched brineshrimp and microworms.
Thank you! I have only been doing my weekly change and feeding once a day, so I will up both of those. Will turn the heat up too, as I have been keeping them at 76°F.
I do have a micro worm culture, as well as a fry specific food, both of which they love.
How often will the parents breed? I want to make sure the tank isn't overwhelmed with fish before I find homes for them.
When adult cichlids start breeding they might produce a batch of eggs every 2-4 weeks. Usually 4 weeks if they have babies to look after. If the babies get eaten, the parents might breed sooner.

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