

Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
Well, this is my first attempt at keeping Discus... and taking photos of them too. :rofl:

I picked up 5 medium-sized Discus at the LFS last night. I was trying to get every color in the rainbow, but realized I didn't get a Blue or Green one. :lol:

Anyway, here are some (very amateur) photos of my new tankmates.

I really hope that these guys last a long, long, loooooong time because they are so pretty and personable. :thumbs:

I can use some help identifying the types. I know the yellow one is a "Gold Dragon"... and I believe the 2 red ones are "Red Tuqs." Not sure if the orange one is "Melon Dragon." And have no clue what the mixup color one is. Help?


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The 5 discus are in my 72G All Glass bow front tank. Their only other tankmates right now are 4 cardinal and 3 rummynose tetras. I will be getting more tetras in the near future.

I'm uncertain if I can or should add anything else to that tank.

I love discus...... :wub:

I might keep some in the near future.....but first Ill read about them :)

I really like the first picture....espeacially the two discus on the bottom... :nod:
I love your colour on your discus :clap: you must be doing a great job in careing for them, i still use bare bottom tanks :rolleyes: dont think i could handle a planted one! :)
nutter said:
I love your colour on your discus :clap: you must be doing a great job in careing for them, i still use bare bottom tanks :rolleyes: dont think i could handle a planted one! :)
Let you in on a little secret... the plants are actually fake. :p
Lovely discus, Im sure they will love the nice big tank.

Maybe you should get some loaches or corydoryas to make use of the bottom of the tank and keep it cleaner.


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