Unlevel tank?!

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2013
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Please see attached pictures.

My roma 125 has been set up for two weeks.

I have noticed that the water level is slightly deeper on the left hand side by about 1/4 inch, and I've tested with a level and it IS slightly tilted (as per pic)

I noticed some creaking every now and then this morning so I inspected further and noticed this in the twist lock thing which must have been the cause of the sounds. About 10 hours later and I've not really heard the sound at all. This joint is at the top of the right hand "leg" of the cabinet.

I spoke to fluval and they weren't worried. Just said it was the tank settling into the cabinet and the floor but I'm still really nervous as I live above somebody.

Has anyone else's cam lock things moved like this since being established for a while?? And is the tank so unlevel that I should be emptying right this second???

Any advice at all please, need to let my mind rest or alter things ASAP!!

Is this a 125 gallon (US), or 125 liter?

It is on particle board furniture?
It's 125 litre - I have tried to find out what the cabinet is made of online but I can't find anything - it is the cabinet made for the tank.
So, around 33 USG...nearly 400 pounds (180 kg) when filled.

Those cam locks are usually made for particle board (or fiber board) furniture...not good if it gets wet, it will fall apart.

If you are certain it is made for aquariums, it should be OK, but I have my doubts...and, all aquariums should be level as possible before being filled.

Can you get us a pic of the entire stand, doors open (if it has them)
Thank you.
Everything was level when it was being set up it's only since its been sat for while that it's changed.
More than likely because it is on carpet.

You could drain the tank, and level it with shim(s) under the stand...NOT under the tank, you want it flat on the stand.
OK I'm definitely going to get some shims. Do you think I am in any immediate danger?? I just got a clearer pic of the cam lock and you can see it isn't locked onto the screw at all!

a carpet is a really bad place to put an aquarium
maybe you can cut the carpet out under the 4 legs so they will be straight in contact with the floor?
i don't think shims will do you any good on a thick carpet
a carpet is a really bad place to put an aquarium
maybe you can cut the carpet out under the 4 legs so they will be straight in contact with the floor?
i don't think shims will do you any good on a thick carpet
Thanks its not the thickest of carpets but it is new so it's quite fluffy still. I only have 2 "legs" and though the floor underneath is concrete it isnt level either.
I am going to order some shims and see what happens and as for the cam lock - should I wait until shims arrive to tighten it up as I imagine I will have to drain the tank for both?? Certainly don't want any wood to crack whilst it's full 😬
You can wait, should be fine...
The problem appears that the Cam Lock is not properly engages with the pin from above. The flared end of the pin should not be visible when the cam lock is properly engaged. Right now the weight of the tank is supported by the pin resting on the cam lock causing it to distort the hole for the cam lock. To fix correctly you will have to remove the weight from the stand and re-seat the cam lock. There will still be some play, because the hole is now miss-shaped, but the top board will be resting on the particle board frame giving it more support.

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