Sickly amazon sword


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States

What are the hole in the leaf? Too much light??
I can't tell from the photo as it does not show the entire plant down to the crown, but I suspect the outer leaves are dying off because they were emersed growth, and the new leaves growing from the centre of the crown are the submersed form which will be different in texture, and shape. The holes have nothing to do with it, it is normal for Echinodorus leaves that are dying to yellow, become thin with "holes," and eventually completely melt. Once the base of the petiole (stem) at the crown is brown through, nutrients are no longer moving into or from the leaf, and you can remove the leaf. If the petiole at the crown is still solid white, the plant can move nutrients from the leaf to benefit new growth; but not once the base of the leaf stem is brown and "dead."
I can't tell from the photo as it does not show the entire plant down to the crown, but I suspect the outer leaves are dying off because they were emersed growth, and the new leaves growing from the centre of the crown are the submersed form which will be different in texture, and shape. The holes have nothing to do with it, it is normal for Echinodorus leaves that are dying to yellow, become thin with "holes," and eventually completely melt. Once the base of the petiole (stem) at the crown is brown through, nutrients are no longer moving into or from the leaf, and you can remove the leaf. If the petiole at the crown is still solid white, the plant can move nutrients from the leaf to benefit new growth; but not once the base of the leaf stem is brown and "dead."
the stuff on the bottom and the new leaves are all ok
something could be grazing on the leaves too. any suckermouth catfish or snails in the tank?
It's either old leaves melting from adjusting to new conditions, or it could be a nutrient deficiency. Are you using root tabs regularly?
ill add a new tab( the last one)
What other brands of tabs should i use? Using seachem flourish
Thinking bout api
something could be grazing on the leaves too. any suckermouth catfish or snails in the tank?
Lots of ramshorn and bladder
Some cories???
ill add a new tab( the last one)
What other brands of tabs should i use? Using seachem flourish
Thinking bout api

The Flourish Tabs are better than the API, so stay with them. I have used FT for over 10 years and my swords thrive, and I have zero GH water which usually means poor plant growth due to lack of calcium, but FT work.

The problem is not snails or fish. I asked for a photo of the entire plant, it would confirm what I suggested (or not, as the case may be).
The Flourish Tabs are better than the API, so stay with them. I have used FT for over 10 years and my swords thrive, and I have zero GH water which usually means poor plant growth due to lack of calcium, but FT work.

The problem is not snails or fish. I asked for a photo of the entire plant, it would confirm what I suggested (or not, as the case may be).
ill just stay with them
do t hey contain nitrogen?
do t hey contain nitrogen?

Yes, according to the ingredients nitrogen is 0.8% but as I have not foound any substrate ferts that do not, this isn't going to matter. Aquatic plants don't assimilate nitrogen (nitrate) throough the roots anyway.
Yes, according to the ingredients nitrogen is 0.8% but as I have not foound any substrate ferts that do not, this isn't going to matter. Aquatic plants don't assimilate nitrogen (nitrate) throough the roots anyway.
makes sense.
ill just get the 40 pack, since it is very useful to my plants

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