Shrimp disease?


Aug 17, 2020
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Hello again, this time as i was doing some photography on my shrimp i saw some of them had a bunch of white dots, others seemed white but not like milk white rather just ghostly looking and with the same white spots, they seem to be in the shrimps colour rather than o the shell itself like a fungus would do, my Ph is 7.2, Gh 300ppm, temp 25°C.
Is it normal or is it a disease?If it is a disease, how should i treat it?


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They don't appear to have any diseases. Have you lost any?

There is a few white marks on the back that could be light reflecting off them or natural colouration but most of them look fine.

The one in the following link has a slight discolouration to the body and that could be the start o spironucleus or it might be getting ready to shed its shell.

At this stage, if none are dying and they are eating well, just monitor them.

Your tank looks a bit dirty too so maybe do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate.
Have you lost any?
not yet.

The one in the following link has a slight discolouration to the body
it was the flash reflectinh, looking at it in the tank while taking the pic it seemed transparent with a few red markings and the white spots

At this stage, if none are dying and they are eating well, just monitor them.
i have lost none so far and they are picking up green and brown algae to eat 24/7 so i guess they are fine right now, but yeah, i will keep a good eye on them.

Your tank looks a bit dirty too so maybe do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate.
i had just done a water change right after taking the pics, i leave the brown agae in the glass as food for them and the brown bits in the sand are aquarium safe wood that i added to grow biofilm for them.
i try to do a 30% water change once a week and clean my filter once a month.

Thanks for the help tho.

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