Panda garra with white spots


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I picked up a panda garra a couple days ago and when I was acclimating it to put it in the quarantine tank I noticed a few white spots. He has since developed a few more, but very faint. Perhaps it is still the early stages. He is also rubbing against the gravel and driftwood.
Ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, 5 ppm nitrate. It is a well established quarantine tank but I still did a couple big water changes and starting raising tje temp. It's at about 81. I want to try treating it using heat if possible, but I'm just not sure with this species. Im also not 100% sure it is ich, but I think it is. Haven't had to deal with ich in a long time back when I owned goldfish.

I'm not crazy about using something malachite green if I can treat it with heat and water changes. I could get some more garlic guard too. But I'm.just not sure if a panda garra could take 86. I'm running a HOB and large internal to really get the oxygen up so I was hoping g this would make the heat treatment doable.

Any advice is appreciated
I would try the heat method first - it's no worse that a heatwave lasting a couple of weeks. Seriously Fish does note that temperatures in its native streams have been measured as high as 27 deg C/81 deg F. Monitor the fish and if they appear to be suffering, then turn the heater down and use a medication.
Thank you for the reassurance. I'll try the heat first. I have read that loaches don't do well with ich medications, but it seems like people can't agree on that neither. I guess both options are better than dying of ich though. I just wish I could know for sure if it is ich. The fish is scratching and flashing but there's still only maybe 5 white spots total. He does eat and stay active. He even comes over to the glass to greet me. I'll be pretty bummed if he doesn't make it. Plus he cost me $30!
It has been a couple days since I turned up the temp to 86-87 and it seems to be working. All the white spots have dropped from the fish and not rubbing nearly as much. I think I got lucky and caught it early. The fish seems ok with the heat, although I have been feeding him more and I made sure to agitate the water surface to a considerable degree. I have also done the recommended 50% water changes almost everyday. Fingers crossed this will all be over in 2 weeks
Keep the temp raised for 2 weeks to make sure every last parasite is killed.
For sure I will. Quick question though: how long after that should I keep the fish quarantined before I put him in the main tank? To be honest, I'm a little paranoid now that the fish might be a carrier after and introduce it into my community tank.
If you are at all worried, once you turn the temp back down, leave him in the quarantine tank for at least another 2 weeks. This is more than enough time for a re-infection to show up. If he's clear at the end of that time, it should be OK to go back into the main tank.

I don't think this fish will be a "typhoid Mary" (for those of you who don't know, google will tell you ;) - the real one, that is)
I am so frustrated. Everything was going well and white spots hadn't come back. No more flashing neither. Yesterday I noticed some stringy white poo, and then again today. He seems to be eating still, both tank algae and sinking wafers. I've been doing water changes and checking parameters and everything looks fine.

I may head out today and get some API Cure. I used to have prazi but it expired long ago. I figured API Cure would cover both parasites and bacterial. Any clue if this is related to the ich somehow or just some unfortunate coincidence? Also, should I drop the temp back down to normal before treating the tank? Man am I happy I quarantine fish
Thank you for the reply. I tried to earlier but I couldn't catch a clear pic. I'll try again if it helps, but do you mean the feces, the fish or both? The poo is very long and thread-like with a clearing white coloration if that helps.


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I figured I should give an update so people can know that panda garras can tolerate higher temps for ich treatment. Two weeks of 85-88f then very gradual drop back to 77. Now in the main tank with no signs of ich or anything. The fish has also grown 1/2 inch and is much more active in the larger tank after quarantine. Awesome fish


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