New betta owner messed up tank cycle


New Member
May 11, 2021
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Hey guys! I’m a relatively new owner to my betta and completely new in the fish hobby. Recently my betta has had clamped fins (I’ve attached screenshots from a video of the day I got him vs today) and has been lethargic I’ve been trying to figure out what was wrong all week! After reading the water cycle thread here I’ve realised I’ve messed up his tank cycle so I think that’s what’s causing him issues. His nitrate levels are 0 but his nitrite levels are 0.09, not sure what the ammonia is as I rushed out to get the first test kit I could find which was a strip kit that doesn’t include ammonia (will be getting liquid kits ASAP). How do I fix this? I own lots of animals but this fish is causing me the most stress I thought I was doing everything relatively correct until his fins began to clamp!
Thank you in advance it means a lot I feel so guilty I just want to fix the problem and make him happy again :)


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Hi :)
I’m fairly new to this hobby as well, and some other people should be on to help you soon that have more experience. Based on what I’ve seen on here, I would recommend doing a water change and getting a good ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, detoxifier, like Prime Seachem. Test the water you are going to put in the tank before putting it in. Also, it’s awesome you are getting a liquid test kit they help so much. It can be stressful at times with fish ? Please kept updating! @Essjay is pretty good with this kind of stuff and might be able to help. Btw when it says 0.09 nitrite is that a typo or are you not measuring in ppm? :)
Hi there ?? what a beauty!

OK, first thing you need to do is a large water change to dilute the ammonia and nitrite which is poisonous to fish and what is most certainly stressing out your betta. You should get yourself the API master test kit (strips are absolutely pants) and test your water everyday, making large water changes every day until ammonia and nitrite read 0. Ammonia will peak then nitrite will peak while ammonia falls, then nitrate will peak as nitrite falls. When both ammonia and nitrite are at zero your tank will be cycled. Do a partial water change to dilute nitrates and voila! You can then do a water change once a week (I like to do 50%) don't clean your filter for a few weeks, that's where the good bacteria that breaks down the nasties lives. When you do get round to cleaning the filter do so in water taken from your tank during a water change, not fresh water out the tap! The chemicals in fresh water will kill the good bacteria, another reason why we add dechlorinater ? hope that helps!
Yes, get the API test kit and do a daily large water change until ammonia and nitrite are reading at zero, then you can drop to your normal weekly water changes.

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