
Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
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Washington State, USA
I was checking all of my tanks when I got up today, and one of the two goldfish I picked up is in sorry condition.
His tail is a bit shredded, and the back 1/4 area of his body is a brownish orange, the darkest part around his anus. He is swimming a lot slower today than yesterday, and I saw one of the loaches chase him earlier.

It is a 90 gallon tank, hardness 110 ppm, ph 7.4, temperature 68° F, substrate is black imagitarium sand. I have some rocks (agates and lava rocks) and the tank is moderately planted with bucopa, corkscrew val, water sprite, hornwort, a striped anubias, marimo balls, duckweed, frogbit, and water lettuce.
I run a Tidal 75 on it.
The stock is 12 White Clouds, 3 Dojo Loaches, and 2 Red Cap Oranda goldfish. All of them, except a couple White Clouds, were added this weekend.


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He is just sitting on the bottom of the tank now. I can see it so clearly, but the camera on my phone is pretty poor. I might put him in another container if I use epsom salt, since I don't know how the loaches might react to it.
I am fairly certain my goldfish id dying. He barely moves and I think the loaches have been nibbling on him, because he has open wounds. I am going to put him in a qt with salt and an airstone tonight and see if he makes it to morning. Any advice? Here are updated pics.

I have had him less than three days and he is in very bad shape.


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Sorry about your goldfish , it looks like it’s been eaten alive it’s tail has basically gone
Sorry about your goldfish , it looks like it’s been eaten alive it’s tail has basically gone
One particular loach just kept going after him every time he settles on the sand. The other goldfish looks just fine, and the other loaches ignore him. What is it about this one fish that make the loach nip him? Does it sense some kind of weakness? Idk.
One particular loach just kept going after him every time he settles on the sand. The other goldfish looks just fine, and the other loaches ignore him. What is it about this one fish that make the loach nip him? Does it sense some kind of weakness? Idk.
I’m not sure maybe the fish was sick when you bought it and that’s why the loach started bullying it straight away it shocking how fast they turn on each other when one gets sick
Kinda what I am thinking. The goldfish is now separated with salt and an airstone. We will see how he fares in a couple of hours.
He didn't make it, unfortunately. Now the question is, do I get another goldfish, or let the singleton be?

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