Newly Cycled Tank - Next Steps...?

He may be flaring at his refection, or possibly something outside the tank?

You often read to put matt black card against the tank but that never worked for my bettas, they could still see their reflection. Another alternative is to put some decor against that side of the tank to block his view.
They're like cats, then?? Our cats would go irate when they saw themselves in a mirror, putting on a show of how big and tough they are. The absolute audacity.
@Essjay, I’ll try the black card...

He‘s very busy in the back corner of the tank building a bubble nest ?? 186B805B-3ED7-47CB-A0B9-09FA603FD4D4.jpeg
He's gorgeous. And busy defending his bubble nest as well as building it :)
Who’d have thought that I fall in love quite so quickly with a fish..? ??

Im certain he waits for me to go and get a coffee and is begging at the corner where I have started feeding’s taking a lot of will power not feed him every time I go past (I know this will make him very ill) and I’m not sure what day I’m going to not feed him...the worry of withholding food is building already...?‍♀️?
That's the probelm with bettas - they quickly learn that humans = food and they will do a 'wiggle dance' when they see you. They will stuff themselves to bursting point if you let them. You have to be strong because they certainly won't :)
The API nitrate test can be off depending upon the timing aspects. First, Regent #2 needs to be shaken a full two minutes; the instructions used to say 30 seconds, but this often gave a false and high reading. Shake the regent bottle for a good two minutes, then add the drops and shake after each (I think that is the instruction) for whatever time they say.

I don't understand the nitrates in the RO sample if this is pure RO...maybe @Essjay with her chemistry knowledge can sort this out.
Two minutes? Wow! I thought banging it on hard surface for 30 seconds was sufficient

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