Aquascaper 20g

Going to dump all these plants out side, after I pick out the shrimp:
After that, I’ll up all of these plants in there, so I can take out hardscape:
Slowly getting there!

Why do crypt roots have to be so scary!? I thought it was an earth worm, or a rats tail :unsure: @mbsqw1d

Threw away lots of Anacharis. Most of it either had algae on it, or way to many roots:
Why do crypt roots have to be so scary!? I thought it was an earth worm, or a rats tail :unsure: @mbsqw1d
Yeh they are a bit odd.. I think they are sort of rhizomes, or at least some part of the crypt is a rhizome. They have stolons too which are runners. Some crypts have contractable roots that allow them to pull themselves into substrate.
Yeh they are a bit odd.. I think they are sort of rhizomes, or at least some part of the crypt is a rhizome. They have stolons too which are runners. Some crypts have contractable roots that allow them to pull themselves into substrate.
Interesting! That was the ‘dark one’ (sorry to be so vague, I have no idea what variant it is, lol). Both species are doing much better than I thought. Also the Vals are looking good. :good:
Just had to do some size comparison. These things are insane!

(Anubias barteri nana left, Anubias barteri right, Lacy Java fern middle)

Here are the Vals/crypts:

Good news! I was effectively able to completely soak that $1 bill in water. :rolleyes: ?
Been working on it for over 4 hours now, starting to feel it...

Anyway, here is the 29g now:

Once I drain it a bit more, I’ll catch the fish and put them in the 20g.

It will be stressful for them, because I still have to plant the 20g, but what can you do?
Wow!!! You have made so much progress!
Yup! Just finished eating and I’m going to finish draining the tank and moving the stock over. :thumbs:


Decided to add a bit of Seachem Prime, just to detoxify all of that ammonia.
Finally done!!

Got all the fish moved over, so this is all that remains of my once sort of pretty 29g:


In case any of you every wondered what the driftwood piece in the 29g looked like, here it is:

It was an extremely lucky find at my LFS. I made a deal with my super cool LFS owner, for that piece and a cup of Java Moss, all for only $20!


Here is the 20g, complete with fish and some plants, after almost 5 hours of work:

Obviously not even close to being done, I still have a ton of planting to do, but it’s getting there!!


Moving the fish over was quite easy, once the tank was completely drained.

Catching and moving the Pleco... was less so. He is now in his driftwood cave, calming down. :)

I am missing 1 Harliquen Rasbora... not sure if he died of natural causes in the 29g? Or am I just not counting right? I’m not sure, but I hope he/she is still ok... ????

I plan to plant Anacharis in the back of the tank today, along with catch all of the cherry shrimp in the 29g. There are a lot!!

Water cleared up a bit more:

I plan to plant Anacharis in the back of the tank today, along with catch all of the cherry shrimp in the 29g. There are a lot!!
View attachment 134085

Water cleared up a bit more:
View attachment 134086
Thats looking far better PK, nicely done ??
Thats a really nice piece of wood and stone that you should do your best to keep visible (please dont cover it in anacharis ?)
No Anacharis shall cover the wood/stones. ;)

This is the only Anacharis I will add to this tank:

I went ahead and added some Java Fern to the stones and some to the right as well:

I really need more Vals, this are so small. :rolleyes:

I will also try to get some Amazon swords, but probably from a chain store, because my LFS never has them.

My plan is to keep that center section open (it’s open now, right under the driftwood) so it looks like a trail, if that makes sense. ;)

Edit: I also added some white stones. Thoughts on these?

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