Complete Beginner in a Fishy World

Day 6 Update

Today we drove up to Shirley Aquatics. I was a little underwhelmed by the size and selection of fish to be honest. My local aquatics shop has a similar amount of freshwater fish and I'd say better variety.

But, it wasn't a wasted journey. I found a Ciano Aqua LED Aquarium 60L for £64.99. I had a quick look on the internet and I couldn't find it any cheaper than £75-£80. I ended up buying my 3rd tank in 6 days :crazy:.

During my hunt for inspiration on how to scape my first tank, I came across a lot of tanks with Dragon Stone which I really liked. So we bought 5kg of Dragon Stone and some natural sand.

And here it is:


I've ordered some live plants for it, which should turn up this week.

Second journal incoming!
Day 7 Update

I have bought two bunches of Anacharis to help with the silent cycle. Once the cycle is complete, these will be removed and put into my quarantine tank.

Day 16 Update

I'm starting to see really nice growth from the live plants now.

Is there a way to make sure that your tank is cycled, even after noticeable plant growth? My first additions to the tank will be 8 Peacock Gudgeons. So I want to be sure that the plants and beneficial bacteria will be able to handle the new additions. I won't add anything to the tank until I know that it is definitely cycled.


Here is a photo that was tank on the day I set the tank up (23/03/2021).

Day 24 Update

The Emerald Dwarf Rasboras are now in the tank. They are very skittish. If I walk past the tank, they all dart to the back of the tank.

The plan is still to add another 10. I hope larger numbers of the fish will help the fish feel less skittish.

I have ordered 8 Peacock Gudeons. They will be turning up tomorrow. They will be going into my quarantine tank.
Day 24 Update

The Emerald Dwarf Rasboras are now in the tank. They are very skittish. If I walk past the tank, they all dart to the back of the tank.

The plan is still to add another 10. I hope larger numbers of the fish will help the fish feel less skittish.

I have ordered 8 Peacock Gudeons. They will be turning up tomorrow. They will be going into my quarantine tank.
New fish always act skittish, it is normal. I suggest you turn off the tank lights for at least today, so they feel more comfortable. :)
New fish always act skittish, it is normal. I suggest you turn off the tank lights for at least today, so they feel more comfortable. :)
Agreed, turn off the lights, and keep activity around the tank to a minimum, if possible, allow the new fish to settle in and acquaint themselves to their new home.
Agreed, turn off the lights, and keep activity around the tank to a minimum, if possible, allow the new fish to settle in and acquaint themselves to their new home.
The lights are now off. The tank is in my office, so they are unfortunately stuck with me for now. Hopefully they’ll get used to the frightening sight of me.

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