My first aquarium in a LONG time...


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Jan 14, 2021
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I initially posted introducing myself saying that I was going for a planted aquarium, trying to replicate a famous movie scene.
Well, now that the aquarium is put together, I'm happy to share photos ;)

I was going for the Moon of Endor scene from Star Wars, but this is my first foray into aquascaping/diorama's/etc, so I've made a few mistakes that I've learned from and will do better with next time!

Yet to get fish in whilst I cycle it, but here it is...

I'm not completely happy with the layout, for instance the actual movie scene is in a forest, which is what I wanted to go for, but I dont have the knowledge of the correct plants etc to replicate that kind of design. Also, I found a video on YouTube saying "If you want to fill large areas of the tank with soil, use lava rock in a netted bag as its a cheaper way of doing it... I wish I hadn't followed this advice, as the rock shifted the bunker that was glued to the bottom of the tank after I started putting water in the tank. The moment I started planting the plants, the soil shifted so much that it all started collapsing, hence the lava rock holding the soil back in.
I also found that the valves on the pipes running to the airstones actually don't let much air out (yes they are on the right way round), which is a bit annoying as I wanted more bubbles coming up from the air stone over by the filter, so I'd look for better valves next time.
I also put some of the plants in the wrong position, but moving them is a complete nightmare now as the soil collapses further when I move them, so they'll just have to stay there for now.
I'm likely to add a few more plants in there, specifically the large sweeping one that goes across the top of the tank (not sure of the name at the moment), and some of the surface growing fluffy stuff (again, not sure of the name, need to do a bit of research to find them).

Still, the kids are happy with it, so we'll leave it as is.

It just so happens that I made sure the 3D print of the bunker was the right scale for the opening to match Lego men height, so we'll be setting up the remainder of the scene for the kids using Lego... Things to add are:
- Speeder bikes
- Multiple Storm troopers
- Princess Leia (one of my youngest has already made one up)
- Han Solo
- C3PO and R2D2 (my parents have these at their place, so I'm sure they wont mind parting)
- Multiple Ewoks (again, my folks have some of these)
- An AT-ST or two. If I get a second one, I'll likely lay it down with a sort of exploded head, and the other one i'll have the hatch open with Chewbacca standing out the top :)
- A small Imperial Transporter to hang down from the top of the aquarium. My 6 year old is working on that at the moment

What you can't see is underneath the sand in front of the bunker, is a Lego board for building, so we have something to clip the figures/models onto :)

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the outcome, but I've learned a lot, so will set things up slightly differently when the aquarium needs to be moved next summer.


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Awesome! Love a good themed tank, and it's even better when it's become a project that the whole family is involved in! Can't wait to see what else you do with it!

I think the tall plant that sweeps across the top you're thinking of is vallis. Back right of my tank in this photo, a bit hidden by the amazon frogbit
Awesome! Love a good themed tank, and it's even better when it's become a project that the whole family is involved in! Can't wait to see what else you do with it!

I think the tall plant that sweeps across the top you're thinking of is vallis. Back right of my tank in this photo, a bit hidden by the amazon frogbit
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Yes, that’s the one I was thinking about! Thanks!

Any suggestions for surface growers would be appreciated too...!
Yes, that’s the one I was thinking about! Thanks!

Any suggestions for surface growers would be appreciated too...!
Amazon Frogbit is my favourite personally, that's in that photo, but it also grows long roots, which might suit your dense jungle theme! Have a look at red root floaters too (I can't picture the scene you're creating in my head, not a Star Wars fan, I'm sorry!) water lettuce gets some decent roots too..

I'd just suggest avoiding duckweed, but I have a deep seated loathing for duckweed, so I'm biased! I just think every water change, or anytime the filter output gets shifted, a load gets blown down into the tank and catches on everything, and with a tank full of figures, it would get messy quickly!
We’ll likely have some of the Lego in this weekend. I had to get the bunker 3D printed, which cost me an arm and a leg, but worth it I think. My wife was horrified to see me get it out the box then immediately take a drill to the back of it so I could run an air tube to slowly fill it up with air. It sends a bubble about 2cm across, out from the entrance, around every 2 seconds. The only thing I wanted differently with this, was an air stone type of bubble stream, instead of large bubbles, but actually because I have an air stone over by the pump, having the larger bubbles adds a contrasting effect which I’ve ended up liking more I think...
Amazon Frogbit is my favourite personally, that's in that photo, but it also grows long roots, which might suit your dense jungle theme! Have a look at red root floaters too (I can't picture the scene you're creating in my head, not a Star Wars fan, I'm sorry!) water lettuce gets some decent roots too..

I'd just suggest avoiding duckweed, but I have a deep seated loathing for duckweed, so I'm biased! I just think every water change, or anytime the filter output gets shifted, a load gets blown down into the tank and catches on everything, and with a tank full of figures, it would get messy quickly!
Awesome, I’ll check that out...
I’m after a fluffy surface grower to kind of replicate a rain forest canopy, and add a bit more “moodiness” to the scene.
I’m using a bit of artistic licence with the movie scene, as I want it light enough to be able to see the fish, along with enough of an open area to set up the action.

It’s essentially this, only the picture doesn’t have any of the characters, just one of the walkers. I’m keeping an eye on eBay for these, as I want a complete one, along with one thats half destroyed laying on its side.

The other reason for using Lego is to get some it off the floor “permanently”... ;)

When I move the tank next year, I may rebuild the scene, and move the bunker to the middle, with forest surrounding it on both sides, almost like you are a part of the action. At the moment, it’s kind of like you are viewing it from the side, which detaches you from the action a little bit...
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Awesome, I’ll check that out...
I’m after a fluffy surface grower to kind of replicate a rain forest canopy, and add a bit more “moodiness” to the scene.

Hmm, I'm really not sure which you'd prefer!
Red root floaters. Would certainly add moodiness, but whether you want that red colour in the scene, or drawing the eye away from the figures you've worked so hard on, I dunno..
red root floaters.jpg

Water lettuce. Certainly fluffy on top, and fluffy roots. Could be a contender!
water lettuce.jpg

Or perhaps salvinia. Never had it myself, but never heard any complaints about it either
An update... We have a few lego pieces in there now, as well as some fish! Check out the ground... :)

There's more Lego to go in there this weekend when it turns up, then its almost complete. I still need to order more plants though to make it a little more moody and forest like...

Awesome! Love a good themed tank, and it's even better when it's become a project that the whole family is involved in! Can't wait to see what else you do with it!

I think the tall plant that sweeps across the top you're thinking of is vallis. Back right of my tank in this photo, a bit hidden by the amazon frogbit
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Whats the plant on the left side of the picture? this is a nice foresty type plant

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