Fluval HOB fil.... wait, a HOB BREEDER BOX?? Who knew this was a thing? Have you used one?

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Have been pondering on the subject of in-tank nursery boxes/nets for egg layer fry since my cories laid eggs yesterday. Most every breeder box and net I've seen is designed for livebearer fry, and completely unsuitable for hatching/housing tiny fry like newly hatched corydoras.

Is the lack of that sort of thing because most people breeding them would fashion their own nursery tanks or have dedicated breeding/fry tanks? Or that they engineer and fashion their own in-tank system using old plastic containers held on with algae magnets, like I did last time my cories spawned, and seems common on youtube too?

Stealing an idea from someone on youtube, I ordered a Kritter Keeper acrylic tank purely because I want something in-tank, and because I want to be able to view the eggs and fry from the side, and not just from above as I had to when using my home-made solutions last time. Right now, my cory eggs are in a tupperware, holes punched into it so I could string it up and tape the string to the outside glass... secured with an algae magnet, and propped against the lightbar...! While I've done everything I can to secure it, it would only take one bad knock during feeding or a water change to send them all to the depths and to their doom... :eek:

Was thinking how much better it would be if the kritter keeper had built in hooks to hang it over the rim of the tank, had another hunt for breeder boxes, and spotted these! HOB breeder boxes! Not a perfect solution, since the output needs to be carefully covered for tiny fry, but this one has grates you can put in front of the output to prevent fry being washed into the main tank. I'm sure it would be simple to glue some fine netting over one of the grates if the holes still seemed too large, or some fine sponge in front if fry risk being sucked against the grate. You can see the barrier/grate thing in this diagram;

Just an airpump needed to circulate the water. Surface disturbance should take care of oxygenation, but an airstone could also be thrown in there I imagine. Obviously the bottom of the container would still need to be cleaned with a turkey baster/pipette/airline tubing to remove uneaten food and waste, but as long as the water in the main tank is good, the water in the HOB will also be constantly changing and turned over, making the needed water changes when raising any fry easier! The constant circulation of fresh water appeals to me; I wonder whether that would be helpful with cory eggs and preventing fungus through water circulation, or if it would be too risky, blowing eggs into the output.

There's a larger Marina(? Fluval?) one here, and while I'd want this larger one ideally, the lack of a grate bit in front of the output makes me hesitate.

I'd even be tempted to test it out with some of the small guppy/platy fry I have, since they're in with adults anyway, look for potential pitfalls before risking cory fry. Or raising the cory wrigglers in the magnetically held critter keeper for a week or two before moving them to this, when they're a little larger and have more co-ordinated movement.

@Deanasue @mbsqw1d @CassCats @Gypsum @EllRog would love to hear what any/all of you think of these, whether you've tried one, any pros or cons you see!
If you're wondering why I'm faffing about with Heath Robinson home-made contraptions and kritter keepers, rather than just setting up a nursery tank already... it's mainly a lack of space and power sockets. All of the sockets near tanks are already filled, despite my buying larger extensions/a plug tower. I managed to squeeze in another airpump for the egg container, but the thought of needing another filter, heater, airpump and maybe lights... noooo! I'd also need to buy another filter, heater, and heater guard if I used a plastic tote, which would cost as much as one of these things. And still wouldn't be able to see the fry clearly side on with a plastic tote. When I've reduced my number of tanks down, I'll be able to set up a smaller ten gal as a nursery tank :)

Having an in-tank/HOB solution appeals mainly for the water quality issue, on top of easy viewing. Keeping the parameters the same as the parent tank, easily accessible for water changes etc. The constant circulation and aeration of a HOB.
Its a cool idea, but I have no idea about hatching and raising cory fry lol. I've seen people use different methods of raising them though. I can't see why it wouldn't work and it seems logical for space saving etc. Maybe split the eggs in half and try half in this contraption and half floating in a tub in the aquarium. Find the best method for going forward I guess
I have a very similar problem. This contraption would be cool to have for when my chromides breed again. Their first round was a disaster...
Urgh, not having enough power sockets sucks, doesn't it? I tend to find myself running two filters on one tank too, I need to sort that out and free up some power cables, make this more streamlined. The room that I have 3/4 of my tanks in doesn't help, only having three sockets total! And both of those outlets being on the same wall... stupid design! Grr. To be fair, house was built more than 100 years ago, when we weren't using so many things with electricity, lol. Seriously considering having the house re-wired. Because of my hobby! Sorry to hear you're in the same boat, I thought the US would be more up to date with wiring buildings and have more sockets!

I had to look up what chromides were, I know nothing about cichlids, nice! I clicked google images and saw the orange one, immediately remembered you made a thread when you found one in your store I think? Nice to know you have a spawning pair now! If I buy one of these, I'll write a review giving my thoughts after testing it out :) I'll try to remember to tag you in it if I do.

Had you heard of these HOB breeder boxes before?
Its a cool idea, but I have no idea about hatching and raising cory fry lol. I've seen people use different methods of raising them though. I can't see why it wouldn't work and it seems logical for space saving etc. Maybe split the eggs in half and try half in this contraption and half floating in a tub in the aquarium. Find the best method for going forward I guess

I know you're not a cory dude, but you have plenty of experience with betta fry, and you're good with practical hands on stuff and set ups, so thought I'd tag you and get your thoughts :p;)
I have not, but now that I looked them up, there are several different types, ranging from $18 to $55.

Yeah, there were about a dozen fry that hatched, but once they were free swimming the other chromides picked them off one by one.
Ouch! Yep, sounds like a separate hatchery for them would be good! lol. Ah well, the pair spawned once, they'll spawn again! Sorry your first batch didn't make it though
Those look like a good idea. The corys in my 240L (C. schulzei, CW045, and CW006) haven't spawned (or we haven't caught them spawning) since those C. schulzei did back in November. When they do, the plan is to put the eggs in a HOB breeder net thing and then shift the fry to my fry tank, which is now an established tank with some least killifish in it.

The corys in the 125L (C.pygmaeus, C. habrosus, C. carlae, and Aspidoras spilotus) show spawning behaviour all the time, but I've never seen an egg. However, the occasional fry shows up. We leave them to it.
You guys would have heart failure if you saw my fish room. It has power bars everywhere so I can plug things in. Ideally, I believe a nursery tank is the way to go. I’ve had 5 groups of fry now all in a tank. I only raised one baby in a basket but he did fine. Just the view sucks! I think this breeder box you found might be worth a try. At first I thought fry would get sucked out of the output but then saw the guard. If it’s small enough, then I say give it a try. :)
Every week when I clean my tank, I find eggs the next day. @AdoraBelle Dearheart, I wish I could send these your way to take care of for me. I hate to let the parents eat them but just don’t have any room right now. We’ll just concentrate on yours. :(. Did you order the breeder box?


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@AdoraBelle Dearheart Wow, I just saw the price of that thing which is crazy for a piece of plastic. You can get a 5G aquarium with lighted hood, filter, and tank for that price. Just put a piece of hosiery over intake and fry should be fine. Fry will grow bigger and stronger too with the swimming area. I know you don’t have Walmart but surely an equivalent. That and an extension cord is all you need. :) oh, small heater too. Doesn’t have to be adjustable, just has to keep temp around 76-77F. Just another option. :)


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