Fish tank cleaning


New Member
Dec 29, 2020
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Hi, I’m new to fish keeping and I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I have a biorb tank. I just changed the filter today and it is already really dirty, it has done this the past couple times. I also have abit of algae build up. Do you recommend any stuff I can put in the water to help this. I change like 10 percent of the water once a week but I still feel like it gets dirty.
Hi, I’m new to fish keeping and I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I have a biorb tank. I just changed the filter today and it is already really dirty, it has done this the past couple times. I also have abit of algae build up. Do you recommend any stuff I can put in the water to help this. I change like 10 percent of the water once a week but I still feel like it gets dirty.
10% is a little small.. pictures?
10% is a little small.. pictures?
Yes, here’s some pictures of the tank. I only changed the filter this morning and it has an area that’s really dirty. Is it okay?


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You have a mixture of livebearers in that tank. Livebearers typically need a minimum tank size of 15 gallons, your bowl is unfortunately to small.

A 10% water change per week is under the recommended volume for weekly water changes. You are supposed to do 40%+ per week.
You have a mixture of livebearers in that tank. Livebearers typically need a minimum tank size of 15 gallons, your bowl is unfortunately to small.

A 10% water change per week is under the recommended volume for weekly water changes. You are supposed to do 40%+ per week.
I’ll probably get a bigger tank since I’ve been told that it’s got to many fish in before. Thanks for your help !
I’ll probably get a bigger tank since I’ve been told that it’s got to many fish in before. Thanks for your help !
for the algae, its fine. you need some algae to build an ecosystem. yeah the tank is way to small, but it looks like your plants are thriving and would be nice for a shrimp tank wth a few shrimps in it.
Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate once a week. If the plants are alive, you can gravel clean around them and just clean the open areas.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

If you don't have a gravel cleaner, you can make one from a plastic 1 litre drink bottle and a garden hose, or you can buy one from a pet shop or online. If you buy a gravel cleaner, just get a basic model like the one in the following link.

To make a gravel cleaner, cut the bottom off a 1 litre plastic bottle and throw the bottom bit in the recycling.
Remove the lid and plastic ring from the top and throw those 2 bits in the recycling bin.
Put a garden hose in the top of the bottle and run the hose out the door or into a bucket.

To use the gravel cleaner, put the bottle in the tank and let it fill with water. Suck on the end of the hose and get the syphon going.
Push the bottle into the gravel and lift it up. The gunk in the gravel will get sucked out with some dirty water. Move the gravel cleaner to a different spot and push it into the gravel and lift it up. Continue doing this until you have drained about 75% of the tank water out. Stop gravel cleaning and refill the tank using water that has been dechlorinated.

It's fine and normal for the filter media/ material to get dirty. Every couple of weeks, take the filter media and squeeze it out in a bucket of tank water. Then re-use the media in the filter. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the lawn.

You don't want to replace the media because it will contain good bacteria that keep the water free of ammonia and nitrite.
A 10% water change per week is under the recommended volume for weekly water changes. You are supposed to do 40%+ per week.

I've started using a new tactic for cleaning algae. After scraping down internal surfaces, I do a large water change to collect newly freed spores. This has kept down on slime algae regrowth to a high degree. I'm lucky because my wife loves tanks maintenance, as long as I do the heavy lifting. ?
I've started using a new tactic for cleaning algae. After scraping down internal surfaces, I do a large water change to collect newly freed spores. This has kept down on slime algae regrowth to a high degree. I'm lucky because my wife loves tanks maintenance, as long as I do the heavy lifting. ?
That’s a good idea. If you just scrub down the glass/decor, the algae particles will just become free floating algae.

Us men gotta do that heavy lifting. :flex:
That’s a good idea. If you just scrub down the glass/decor, the algae particles will just become free floating algae.

Us men gotta do that heavy lifting. :flex:

I didn't expect this to happen when I launched into advanced maintenance, but I find algae to be very interesting as a life form. Especially it's rapid propagation.

Yeah, I wasn't aware of what she was doing at the time, but my ma conditioned me to LOVE carrying things as a boy. :shifty:
Can I borrow you to carry my buckets, please? The only time my hsuband has carried buckets for me is after I had cataract surgery, twice, and you aren't allowed to lift anything for a month afterwards.
Sure, you seem to meet my personal requirements to schlep things for. Convey my best wishes to the hubby. I have eye issues and I hate the idea of eye surgeons.

BTW, since I'm here, I have an open question: I'm experiencing a nice algae die-off lately. I've dealt with the slime algae\brown issue for some time and never seen it die. I'd like some concrete idea's about why this may be happening now. We have 30PPM nitrate level and no issues I can see with my stock. If it's germane, I'm in the process of cycling in a 2nd (seeded) filter (5-days in-line).
I've dealt with the slime algae\brown issue for some time and never seen it die. I'd like some concrete idea's about why this may be happening now.
Pictures of the algae?

Does it lift off in sheets?
Does it smell musty/ mouldy?
If yes, it's probably blue green algae (Cyanobacter bacteria), which is a photosynthetic bacteria (bacteria that can photosynthesise like a plant. It doesn't need light but can use light as well as nutrients.

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