20 long rescape

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I have several nerites, and multiples of the same species. I scrape the eggs off the glass but I leave them on the bogwood (officially it's "mangrove") where they eventually fall off. For 'eventually' read several years. I don't mind white spotty wood.
Does a single nerite lay eggs? Do fish eat them or not? Clearly looks like in your case they don't?
Until recently, I had one each of different species. But a few of them died (including one I bought in 2011) so I bought some more. I got 5 which were 'randomly selected' from several species which arrived in the post as 3 of one and 2 of another. And the 3 were the same as one I already had. One of the 3 went into the shrimp tank, the other 4 went into the main tank. And now they've started to grow a bit I have nerite eggs.
It may be that the singletons were all male, but statistically that's not likely.

I did have a lot of nerite eggs years ago on wood. I recently used that wood again, and kept finding white 'bits' under the wood. I don't know if they would have come off anyway, or because the wood dried out for several years before going back into a tank.
I added the ottos in yesterday. That’s a week before the planned addition. But everyone looked really good.

I hope it’s a gamble that doesn’t come back to haunt me.

Anyways, they cleaned up the 20, almost spic and span to this point, and I know they’re eating well, because the fish poop is just absolutely everywhere, over night.

Im keeping an eagle eye on this tank and everyone so far seems to be doing fantastic, shrimp, ottos, cories, snails and tetras, all out and about during the day time and less skiddish than before.

According to my tetra test strips, I’ve got my general hardness down from almost 400ppm to 150ppm. Still think I will try to get it lower, but that’s a work in progress.
Came home yesterday, checked the tank and saw a shrimp exoskeleton lying on its side.

I pulled it out, thinking is was another dead shrimp. It’s was borderline shrimp molting or dead shrimp. So I had to take a closer look, as I am new to keeping shrimp.

initially, I thought it was a dead shrimp that had been eaten by the other two shrimp. Based on coloration of the remaining shell and the fact that I could only find two shrimp in the tank.

havin said that, my tank setup allows for PLENTY hiding spaces for all of my ottos, snails and shrimp.

today, I came home and checked on the tank.

we’re trying to finish up last touches on two different jobs and I’m just spent. 2 days in a row working 10 hours shifts no breaks.

The happy news starts here though, I saw all three shrimp at once. Although one was hiding in the deepest crevices of my driftwood, presumably because he/she was taking shelter after a molt.

I have read that amano shrimp don’t usually molt this quickly after being introduced into a new setup, especially since I introduced them more quickly than recommended.

but so far things are working out, and little dude/dudette has a place to hide for the time being.
Shrimp moult whenever they have to, be it a month after they get put in a tank, or the next day. If they need to shed their skin, they shed it.
Just looked at your pics from a couple weeks ago. Looks really great!
Thanks! I’m still letting the plants grow in a bit.

I’ll give another update as of right now. My corkscrew val is gone. I don’t know if it was the snails, ottos or shrimp that did it.

the plant must have been dying, otherwise I don’t think anything I have in the tank eats live plants.

Im not terribly upset by it, they were selling them for $2 and it was last minute addition to that plant buy.

My Christmas moss is really thriving right now, however it’s covered in snail and otto poop.

I managed to score my holidays early which means I’m off work tomorrow, I need to go pick up some more RO water.

the current stocking I have seems to produce a lot of waste, I think I’m going to be looking at twice weekly small water changes to keep up. Right now that is what one thinking is the best plan to clean up. Good news is I have a sand-like gravel for the substrate and all the poop rests on top.

also, found another shrimp shell from a molt. I’m going to leave this one in the tank as some of my reading in other places recommend to do so as the shrimp will consume the shell as a source of calcium. I won’t leave it too long. Perhaps Colin t can chime in on this topic.

still have 3 shrimp alive and seem to be very active.

I have to say that I’m loving the mix I have going on in this tank, it’s such a joy to watch, water parameters are holding nicely, algae is there, but under control. All the fish look healthy.

man this is rewarding.
I always left shrimp shells in the tank. They always disappeared within a couple days. There's really not much to decompose in there, so you don't have to worry about it fouling your water. I've never had luck with vals except in my SE Asia tank, where they were so bent on world domination that I finally removed them because I got tired of trimming them twice a week. Some plants just don't work in some tanks.
I have to say that I’m loving the mix I have going on in this tank, it’s such a joy to watch, water parameters are holding nicely, algae is there, but under control. All the fish look healthy.

man this is rewarding.
Ain't it? :)
Quick update...

Added some more plants a few weeks back. Everything is growing like crazy, also showing signs of nutrient deficiencies.

I added 4 more healthy pandas to the two that were already in there. My god did this ever make a difference in their behaviour. The two used to frolic a bit together, then hang out in the corner for hours on end.

now, all 6 of the pandas are out, about, swimming in every part of the tank, eating well, socializing. What a difference.

the 3 ottos, well they have taken up shelter in a hole in the driftwood. I’ve spied on them at night, and they’ll be out and feeding. But during the day, they spend all their time in the hollow.

They all look healthy, big fat bellies, coloured up well, I swear I got them full sized and they still seem bigger.

anyways, I’m nursing 3 more otos in my quarantine tank to join them. This might be a long process. It was a local locker box pickup.

originally bought 4. One mid sized and 3 small juvies. The smallest of the bunch didn’t even survive the night. Poor guy. Should mention that at this point they all had sunken bellies, were as pale as ghosts and not one of them seemed to have more than 30% of their tails.

the largest of the bunch also had an open wound which was quite large just above his left pect fin.

that’s healed to the point I can’t see it anymore.

onto bad news, the tank has sprung a leak in the top trim, so I’m trying to expedite the upgrade to a 30ish gallon that will fit the stand.

already have new substrate, and hose extensions/replacements, should just be a matter of putting everything together.

Also re-homed the nerites, man they are MESSSY, tank is much cleaner since. Damn I’ve been a way for a while.

Now I have to go shovel snow before bed so I can wake up and shovel snow before work...

miss you guys, I’ll be around...
Plants are going crazy, not all looking their best, but growing very well. Christmas moss is absolutely going out of control, and the ludwigia is loving life.

After the new otos are ready to join this tank, I’ll probably split a lot of these plants, I don’t think I have the right mix, too much competition for nutrients.

but I’m looking at a rebuild with a similar setup, just a new planted substrate, bigger (taller) tank, everything else will be the same.

and yes I’m posting again, I was going to shovel snow, but I can’t see outside right now it’s coming down too hard


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That’s an excellent question.

It’s also a question I’ve been thinking about a lot.

Ideally, I’m only swapping out the glass box, maybe 50% of the substrate and the hoses for the filter (I’m running a fluval 207 and need the now hose to reach the tank).

So I’m working on a swap that will allow me to make a quick change without having to cycle, and all my current arrangements will have the new tank up and running without worrying about the cycle.

I will be using Seachem stability as a back-up/buffer. But I need to plan everything out accordingly once I get the tank I’m after...

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