2 Fish Carcasses, 2 separate tanks, no idea what's to blame

Ellie Potts

Sep 12, 2020
Reaction score
North Carolina
When I got home yesterday from spending 2 days at my dads I found a completely bare fish skeleton in my 55 gallon which belonged to my young apistogramma Borelli. After examining my other two tanks, I found another bare fish skeleton in my 20 gallon long belonging to my female apistogramma cacatouide. What happened?! Both tanks were fed once a day while I was gone, but only once.

I believe that one of two things happened to the Borelli; it was killed in a territorial dispute between the other apistos or my dwarf gourami got it. Since the death, I've observed the other two Borelli's hiding near each other in what I believe to be their claimed cave. The constant hiding makes me fear that the gourami is behind it, but he doesn't seem to notice either of them. I've never seen any aggression between him and the Borelli's before and they occupy completely different areas of the tank (the gourami rarely dips below half-tank). One of the Borelli's is noticeably bigger than the other. I have no idea if it's a male and female or two males. I've noticed aggression between the two before, but would they not choose to be on other sides of the tank if that was an issue? What should I do to prevent more death? I attached pictures of the Borelli's in their hiding spots. The bigger one goes in and out of that lantern thing but the smaller one is basically glued under that leaf.

In the 20 gallon I'm sure the male killed the female, but why? They seemed to be behaving normally before I left. They're both very small right now. I was hoping on breeding them... what now?

I haven't noticed any sign of illness in either tank

standard 55 gallon
1 dwarf gourami
11 harlequin rasboras (and a breeder box with an additional baby)
2 siamese algae eaters (working on getting more)
2 apistogramma Borelli (used to be 3)
ramshorn and mystery snails

20 gallon long
4 venezuelan corydoras (trying to sell them)
1 apistogramma cacatouide (used to be a pair)

10 gallon
1 male betta


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