Discus Infections

He doesn’t make it, are you sure it is a physical damage?

What about the slimy thing on the gills? @Colin_T


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It is most likely stress related. When discus get bullied they stress out and die. That is why only 1 breeding pair of fish should be kept in a tank unless the tank is huge.

I don't know what you are referring to in regards the slimy thing on the gills.
I don't know what you are referring to in regards the slimy thing on the gills.
It’s this stringy mucus coming out from the gill and seems to be causing discus to breath rapidly.

Should I get the fungal med?


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Looks like one stressed fish to me. Not fungus. Improve its living conditions and cross your fingers and toes.
Anyway thanks for the help everyone @Colin_T @itiwhetu

Is there anyway to properly treat this if it *ever* happens again in the future?
The best thing to do is watch the fish. If they ever look like they are hiding or starting to look skinny, or other fish are picking on them, move them out of that tank and hope they survive.

Once discus decide they have had enough, they die and there's nothing you can do to stop them. If you catch them early enough and get them into a planted tank, and the fish start eating well, they will usually be fine. But if they stop eating they are usually stuffed.

Monitor their poop too. If it's white and stringy and the fish is losing condition, treat the with Metronidazole.
If you catch them early enough and get them into a planted tank
I don’t have any planted sadly :(

I only have blackwater aquarium (the reason I have blackwater aquarium is because plants are dang expensive and I can’t bring my self and my wallet to buy it)
@Colin_T Is this discus black disease?
This blue guys not eating after the other one died.


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Never heard of black disease.

Fish can go dark at night as part of their nocturnal colouration, and they can go black when stressed, and they can go black if they have chemical burns on their skin.

The fish in the picture just looks like night time colouration.

It could be getting picked on by the pair, or it might have an intestinal infection.

What does its poop look like?
What are you feeding it?

If it's in the tank with the breeding pair, move it into a different tank and see if it eats.
Uhh @Colin_T how safe are Formalin?

I just do a 60% wc and add 3 ml of formalin to the 200 liters discus tank and accidently drop 5 ml on my feet,
I quickly washed it out :/ (this is not the first time I accidently drop formalin, last time it was on taxidermy teacher’s face)
Formalin is poisonous and you want to avoid getting it on your skin, in yours eyes or ingesting it.

If you get it on your skin, wash it off with soapy water immediately. Wash the area at least 3 times (with soap and water) to remove any trace of the formalin.

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