New tank cycle (help)


New Member
Jan 12, 2021
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I have a new 20 gallon long tank and I have 4 glowfish danios plus two mystery snails inside a separate one gallon container. My question is can I fill my new tank up with treated water for chlorine and chloramine add fritz zyme 7 and then add all fish and snails within the same day? I’ve read that danios are hardy so I should be okay right if I check the water daily? If I get a spike of ammonia or nitrite what should I do to treat it? Do a 25%- 50% water change?


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I have a new 20 gallon long tank and I have 4 glowfish danios plus two mystery snails inside a separate one gallon container. My question is can I fill my new tank up with treated water for chlorine and chloramine add fritz zyme 7 and then add all fish and snails within the same day? I’ve read that danios are hardy so I should be okay right if I check the water daily? If I get a spike of ammonia or nitrite what should I do to treat it? Do a 25%- 50% water change?
no, waot for it to cycle and return the animals or put them in another tank for the mean time. after a week the ammonia will spike and such, water change it out and you are eready for fish.
If you are doing a fish-in cycle, be prepared to do 75% water changes daily for 4-6 weeks, less if your cycle starter bacteria takes. Along with what @Sgooosh said, depending on where you got the fish from it may be worth taking them back, if they will have a better life at the store / will be resold.
You could try a silent/planted cycle but you would have to buy enough fast growing plants to absorb the ammonia produced by your fish. You could also try Tetra Safe Start Plus to jump start your tank. I am not a fan of fish in cycle cycling it can injure or kill fish that are not hardy enough.
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