Vote Now - December 2020 Fish of the Month Contest (all species)

Vote Now for December 2020 Fish of the Month

  • Guy93

    Votes: 18 37.5%
  • corylover5

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • NCaquatics

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Deanasue

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • L&K

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • ITViking

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • Falconwithaboxon

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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TFF Contest Czar
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Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Fish of the Month
We have 7 interesting fish entered into the December 2020 Fish of the Month Contest. View all the entries and descriptions below and then go to the top of page - click on your choice for FOTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific entry in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. Preferably no posts should be made in this voting topic.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

The winner is awarded a neat banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "fotm winner" thread for all to see and to comment. The winner also will be added to our FOTM Wall of Fame .

Poll will close on December 22nd at 4 PM EST.

Good luck to our entrants in the Fish of the Month contest. We at thank you for your participation.
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This is flopper he’s a sailfin pleco
Around 11 inches long
Lives in a 5ft 500l tank with some cichlids and corys .. he is my longest owned fish not sure of the age as he was a rescue, second photo dark as he’s really hard to get in a photo
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This is Pineapple, my Upside Down Catfish. He lives in a well planted 29 gallon with driftwood to hide in and a few stones. He has a few other Upside down friends, as well as a few livebearer friends and lots of cories. He eats Fluval Bug Bites, Tetra Shrimp wafers, leftover flakes, frozen Bloodworms, and sometimes live foods. He enjoys hiding under a large leaf on the bottom of my Amazon Sword plant as well as under some spiderwood. He is a really unique fish with lots of neat attributes. Thanks for looking :)
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This derp is Squid, my male hoplosternum punctatum. He is one of 3 that we have. You can differentiate the males from females by the thicker hooked pectoral fins on the males and the "vest" touching in males and far apart on females (the vest is a scale pattern on their chests/belly, characteristic of the hoplosternum group.) He has two girlfriends named Urchin and Starfish.
He shares a 55 gallon with a herd of corydoras, 2 female hoplosternum punctatum, 2 BN plecos, 6 cherry barbs, and 9 emperor tetras.
His hobbies include stealing leaf litter to try to build bubble nests out of, but often drops the leaves all over the place. He has a preference for oak leaves of the choices of leaves, for whatever reason. If one of his girlfriends come near the leaf while he is carrying around the leaf, he drops the leaf and chases them off, then has to start all over again by looking for the particular leaf he dropped. No one gets to touch his leaf. If you see a random oak leaf swimming in the tank, you can bet Squid is under it.
He gets fed flakes, bug bites pellets, shrimp pellets, raw shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. He will bulldoze everyone over for a bloodworm.
Hoplos are friendly, just boisterous and active, so even his chasing girlfriends off is just a friendly headbutt.
Freshly planted plant trimmings dont stand a chance, they will be dug up unless you anchor them firmly, until they grow roots. However, established plants are sturdy enough for this smaller hoplo species. In fact, Squid spends his leisure time laying about on top of the plants, following the "i fits i sits" rule.
He will investigate your hands during tank maintenance and will eat out of your hand as well.
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This is “Cheetoh”. He’s a Red Cap Orando goldfish. He is very social and will wiggle up to the front of the tank to “talk” to you. He acts like a puppy, following you around and coming to the top to beg for food. Cheetoh lives in a 45G tank with a Ryunkin goldfish. They are best buds.
Age: 1.5 years
Tank size: 45G
Temp: 71F
Diet: New Life Spectrum Color Enhancing Large Goldfish pellets, Farnham Bug Bites, goldfish formula. NLS is fed A.M. and Bug Bites at night. Sometimes I mix up Repashay Goldfish Gel Food to feed them.
Maintenance: Tank cleaned every Monday along with 70% water change.
Thank you for meeting Cheetoh. :)
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This is our electric blue Texas cichlid. Hes about 1yr old. He eats spiraling 20 flakes, tetra pro color crisps, and new life spectrum thera +a. We can watch him for hrs. He's blue is so beautiful ?. He follows us from side to side. He lives in a 180g tank with more cichlids.
Hope you enjoyed this little note of our blue Texas.
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Species: L128 'Blue Phantom Pleco'
Age: Very young. As far as I can tell, only a few months old
Size: approx 2.5" (full adult size estimated between 7-9")
Name: 'Azul' (meaning 'Blue' in Spanish)
Origin: Orinoco River basin in South America (Venezuela).

The L128 'Blue Phantom Pleco' is closely associated with the L200 'Green Phantom Pleco', also of the Orinoco River. There's debate, but no official determination, on how closely related the species are; some people believe them to be the same species. The L128 & L200 pleco vary in coloration depending on what part of the Orinoco River they call home.

The term 'phantom' is an accurate description of this species as their coloration seems 'phantom-like' and changes depending on the angle the fins are viewed at, the lighting, and the color of the objects they are resting on or in front of. Azul's coloration generally appears to be darker green with blue-green fins. Sometimes it's fin appear very light blue, and sometimes more of an aqua-green. Their body spots can vary from half their body to over their entire body.

Behavior: Can be bold, but also very skittish. It will make appearances, especially at feeding time, and doesn't mind pushing other fish out of the way to get at food. But it quickly zips away if you lean in to get a closer look.

This is my platy Napoleon. He is the smallest of the platies, maybe half the size of the biggest platy., in my 29 gallon community tank. I call him Napoleon because despite his small size he has established himself as top fish in the tank, which includes dwarf gourami and angelfish. He protects the other fish when the big platy or dwarf gourami want to mess with them. He is also not afraid of pushing around other fish when it's feeding time.
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End of Entries
Slowly scroll up as you review the 7 entrants and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread.

Thanks for participating in our Fish of the Month Contest.
How can I submit my fish to future fish of the month contests?
You will need to wait until the next FOTM contest rolls around, which is going to be in mid February. If you do win, you will receive a cool banner that says “Fish of the month!”, which means you have won a FOTM contest. Good luck in the next FOTM contest!
Next FOTM is mid February and will be species specific. You will see a banner at the top of the forums when we are accepting entries. Read the rules posted in the contest.
Guy93 is the winner of our December 2020 Fish of the Month contest with his super nice Sailfin Pleco. Congrats

Coming in 2nd place is ITViking with his awesome L128 Blue Phantom Pleco. Nice looking pleco!

Tieing for third place are NCaquatics with her Hoplo and L&K with his Texas Electric Blue Cichlid. Both are very interesting looking fish.

Right now, our TANK OF THE YEAR poll has started. Please be sure to vote in this exciting year end competition. Click link below to view the 12 top notch entries.

You may congratulate the winner in the winner's thread by clicking HERE
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