That makes sense. I probably won’t be able to do all I did today, every single day.So, take it from your old uncle Thomas, PK. Fitness is a lifestyle change, not an event. You have to find something you can and will actually DO, regularly, long-term. For me, undisciplined degenerate that I am, that means finding something that I actually enjoy, at least on some level. That's why I run, hunt, and shoot bows: I will actually do them because I like doing them. I liked the weights class I was involved in before covid, but I hate normal, solo weight lifting, so I won't do it long term. Most people won't.
So, if you get delusions of grandeur, do way too much and wipe yourself out and make yourself feel terrible right out of the gate, you most likely won't stick with it long-term. I know. I've done the research.
Black tea (traditional iced tea) isn't bad for you, exactly; in fact some say it's actually quite good for you, but it doesn't quench your thirst very well because it's a diuretic. And it has caffeine, though not as much as coffee. I drink a lot of herbal tea post-workout, especially peppermint. A lot of herbal teas make good iced teas, too. Both are very healthy if you don't sweeten them. Water is good if your town has water that tastes good. "Sports drinks" like Gatorade aren't TOO bad if you dilute it with 1/2 to 2/3 water; the flavor can be a good break from plain old H2O.
I do enjoy running btw, so that may be an “always” thing.
About the tea... they have tea in pretty much every restaurant/fast food place on earth, but what kind of tea do I order? Sweet tea, regular tea, or water? Don’t get me wrong, water is good, it’s just boring sometimes.
Oh trust me, the water from my tap is revolting. So I get it filtered from the fridge.